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"Allow Your Light to Show" - Master's talk in Hyderabad
Allow Your Light to Show - 14 March 2011, Hyderabad, India In this speech, Revered Master points to a softening of character as an indication that love is growing not only in our hearts but also in our outward expression. Inner, spiritual change is not something we have earned, but rather a blessing and a gift. We mustn’t hide it, but let it show to light the way for others. Read...
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July 2011 Birthday Celebrations in Tiruppur
A worldwide celebration of Revered Master’s 85th birthday will be held in Tiruppur, India, from Saturday, 23rd July, to Monday, 25th July 2011. All abhyasis are invited to participate in this joyous occasion. An invitation, registration details (beginning 1st April) and other helpful information for those wishing to attend can be accessed on our web site at ...
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Some common errors in meditation
In a letter to Chariji, Babuji explains that it is not the rising of thoughts that bothers us in meditation, but rather our own over attention to the thoughts. Read this and other clarifications at
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"Take Spirituality Seriously" - Master's talk in Silguri, India
In this talk, Shri P. Rajagopalachari urges us to focus, above all, on reaching our spiritual goal. He reminds us that every satsangh is a spiritual opportunity and that the goal can be reached in just one proper meditation. Let us try for it every time we sit to meditate. Read more at  
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Whispers from the Brighter World Archive
All messages from the Whispers publications that have been sent daily to online subscribers are now archived according to both the date received by subscribers and the date originally received by the medium. To access the archive please go to  
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SMSF Inauguration at Dubai – January 21, 2011
Nearly 1000 abhyasis gathered in Dubai to celebrate the inauguration of the first Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation (SMSF) Meditation Centre in the Middle East. After the inaugural satsangh, Chariji released a new pictorial book and DVD, documenting his trips and speeches in the region since 1996. A beautiful slide show of the gathering and an audio of Master’s speech can be found at ...
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Transcript of Master's talk in Haldwani
On the occasion of the inauguration of the Mission's ashram at Haldwani, Revered Master gave a talk after the satsangh. The transcript as well as audio of the speech is located at the following location:  
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New Publications
Rev. Master released several new publications on the auspicious day of Basant Panchami, the birth anniversary of our Grand Master, Pujya Shri Lalaji Maharaj. The details of these publications is at
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Transcripts of three Recent Speeches by Rev. Master
The transcripts of three recent beautiful speeches by Rev. Master titled, 'Always think of others', given at Chennai on May 25, 2010, 'The importance of Daily Sadhana', given at Tiruppur on May 16, 2010 and 'The Divine Presence in the Heart', given in Dubai on Jan. 21, 2011, have been added to the speeches section of our website. To read them, go to  ...
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Rev. Master's photos and talk, at the Meditation Hall Inauguration, Dubai, January 21, 2011.
Rev. Master, in his recent speech at the inauguration of the meditation hall in Dubai, stresses again and again the importance of shedding the shackles of culture, race and color on our spiritual journey towards human integration, embracing love towards all. The audio of the speech and photos from the event are at:
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