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Annual All India Essay Writing Event 2010 Announced
Shri Ram Chandra Mission, in collaboration with the, United Nations Information Centre (India and Bhutan), presents the Annual All India Essay Writing Event. The United Nations is observing the year 2010 [August 2010 to 2011] as International Year of Youth and in commemoration of the same, the theme for the Essay Event this year is Youth: A Time of Promise and for Effort. Please refer to the ...
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Prayer Meditation
A companion to the daily practice of meditation and cleaning is a prayer meditation, repeated just before the morning meditation and in the evening, before we retire for the night.  When we take a few minutes to meditate on the meaning of the prayer, we are essentially affirming on the deepest levels our link with the divinity within us. To further understand the meaning of the Sahaj Marg...
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Autumn Retreat 2010 in Nagano, Japan
Revered Master has graciously permitted us to invite brother and sister abhyasis from other countries in this region  for an Autumn Retreat from October 9-11, 2010 at Neba, Nagano in Japan. Please join us as we meditate and introspect to emerge refreshed with a renewed sense of spiritual vigor and purpose. You could find more information including the address, schedule and other details at ...
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Universal Prayer at 9:00 PM
Writing about the universal prayer, Babuji has said that at 9:00 PM, every abhyasi wherever he might happen to be at the time, should stop his work and meditate for fifteen minutes, thinking that all brothers and sisters are being filled up with love and devotion and that real faith is growing stronger in them. It shall be of immense value to them, which their practical experience only shall...
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Prayer for Master's health
In our Master’s own words, “When we pray for Master's long life and good health, how does it help him? It does help, in a very positive and beneficial way - of that there has never been, and can never be, any doubt. Do we help by using power? No! I don't think so. . . . I believe this very deeply, that it is not power that is used in prayer. Then what? I believe it is love! Prayer...
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New release of Echoes for South East and Middle East Asia
Echoes newsletters are published in different parts of the world to highlight various spiritual events and allow the practitioners of Sahaj Marg to share their experiences. The June issue of Echoes of South East and Far East Asis as well as another one for Middle East Asia and North Africa have been released recently. Here are the links to access those: ...
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Importance of group satsangh and individual sittings
Group satsanghs and individual sittings are two very important elements of our practice. Babuji Maharaj has said, “When there is a group meditation – satsangh -- all those who are in it appear before me, like on a television screen. I see them. Those who are not there are beyond my vision.” Chariji also explains that “spiritual sadhana is like a balanced diet. You need...
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Sadhana Workshop for Sisters
The Indore center, located in Madhya Pradesh, India, organized a unique half day workshop for sister abhyasis on March 21st, 2010. The theme of the program was ‘Balancing sadhana with the multiple roles being performed by sister abhyasis.’ Sisters shared their experiences of doing sadhana while simultaneously being a housewife, teacher, doctor or magistrate.  Read more about this...
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Registration for Rev. Master’s Birthday Celebrations at Lucknow
Registration for Revered Master’s 84th birthday celebrations at Lucknow will be kept open until Sunday, June 13th. All abhyasis who will be attending the celebrations at Lucknow are requested to register by this date.  Information about the celebrations and registration procedures are available on our Mission’s website at: ...
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June issue of Echoes of North America
Echoes newsletters are published in different parts of the world to highlight various spiritual events and allow the practitioners of Sahaj Marg to share their experiences. Echoes help to strengthen ties  of brotherhood and love for humanity. The June issue of Echoes of North America has recently been released. This last quarter was a very busy one for North America with several important...
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