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Blogs Blogs
The Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg
The Ten Maxims are positive guidelines which can be followed by anyone sincerely interested in spiritual development. For those actively involved in Sahaj Marg practice, they are an essential support to our growth. Beginning with morning meditation, the maxims also cover our attitudes toward simplicity, brotherhood, food, self-honesty and character development. Read them, or print them out, at ...
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Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation Newsletter Volume V, No. 1 - April 2010
The latest SMSF Newsletter describes recent programs at CREST Kharagpur, CREST Bangalore and Pune Retreat Centres in India. A lovely photo essay entitled, "Messages from Nature at SPURS", inspires us to visit SPURS Ranch Retreat Centre, showing an array of spring flowers in bloom at the beautiful Texas location. The quarterly newsletter may be found at ...
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Bhandaras – An Invitation to Prepare Ourselves
Bhandaras are spiritual celebrations. Each year, Shri Ram Chandra Mission holds three major bhandaras to celebrate the birthdays of our three spiritual Masters – Lalaji, Babuji and Chariji. A beautiful slide show has just been posted for our perusal, as we prepare for the upcoming July 24th celebrations of Rev. Chariji’s birthday in Lucknow, India. The slides include a varied...
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Babuji's biography with a nice video clip
Born Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, Babuji (as he is affectionately known) was the second in a lineage of three Sahaj Marg Masters. In 1945, he founded the Shri Ram Chandra Mission in honour of his Master, Lalaji Maharaj. Babuji believed that the ultimate goal of human life – complete oneness with the Divine – is attainable in a single lifetime. Accordingly, he simplified and...
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Babuji's biography with a nice video clip
Born Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, Babuji (as he is affectionately known) was the second in a lineage of three Sahaj Marg Masters. In 1945, he founded the Shri Ram Chandra Mission in honour of his Master, Lalaji Maharaj. Babuji believed that the ultimate goal of human life – complete oneness with the Divine – is attainable in a single lifetime. Accordingly, he simplified and perfected...
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Calendar of Events – Babuji’s Birthday Celebrations
On April 30th, our Mission's ashrams and centres around the world will be celebrating the birthday of Babuji Maharaj, the second spiritual Master in the Sahaj Marg tradition. As always, abhyasis are welcome to attend the celebrations at the centre nearest them or to travel to the larger centres and ashrams hosting an event. Information and online registration is accessible on our website for...
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Master's address to students of LMOIS
Rev. Master’s addresses to students of the Lalaji Omega School (25 February 2009) are now available on our Mission Website. Included are two separate talks given to the two streams of students (CBSE and Cambridge), focusing on the effort necessary to fully utilize the benefits of a high quality education. Read more at ...
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New Speech: Beacons of Light from Omega
Rev. Master’s addresses to students of the Lalaji Omega School (25 February 2009) are now available on our Mission Website. Included are two separate talks given to the two streams of students (CBSE and Cambridge), focusing on the effort necessary to fully utilize the benefits of a high quality education. Read more at
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Media Gallery Help and FAQ
Brothers and sisters are invited to submit videos, audios, or slideshows of their centres and of Sahaj Marg events to our Mission website. It is also possible to show videos from the Sahaj Marg website offline at your local centre or venue (without internet connection). For more information, visit  
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Universal Prayer - Audio talk by Rev. Master
The fundamental components of Sahaj Marg practice—morning meditation, evening cleaning and night-time prayer meditation—are primarily for our own spiritual benefit. The universal prayer is a feature of the practice that is dedicated to the spiritual welfare of human beings everywhere. All are welcomed and encouraged to join in this prayer. The text for the...
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