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A Peep into the Past - Echoes India
In the January 2010 issue of Echoes India, the newsletter introduced a new section entitled, “A Peep into the Past,” giving a glimpse into the early days of Sahaj Marg: Quoting a letter from Lalaji to Babuji, December 1929: “It is good to be tormented. Home is the school for tolerance and meekness. According to one way of thinking, patience in such things is considered to be...
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Contribution guidelines for Constant Remembrance
Abhyasis are encouraged to write and submit articles for consideration in the Mission’s spiritual quarterly, Constant Remembrance. Please see detailed guidelines including the theme for upcoming issues at
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Echoes Newsletters
Echoes newsletters are published in different parts of the world to highlight various spiritual events and to allow the practitioners of Sahaj Marg to share their personal experiences in the Mission. Through these publications we appreciate the uniqueness of our different cultures and, at the same time, feel a strengthening of the common ties of our brotherhood. Included are photos and articles...
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Release of New Publications
A number of new books have recently been released by the Mission -- new editions of seminal works such as Babuji's Reality at Dawn and Lalaji's Truth Eternal, translations of other popular Sahaj Marg titles in several Indian languages, and a Hindi translation of He the Wonder (not yet published in English), by V.K. Somakumar. [Please note that He the Wonder, Vol. One, is available in...
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New release of Echoes for Middle East Asia and North Africa
New Issue of Echoes of "Middle East and North Africa" as well as "Africa and Indian Ocean" are available to provide details of the recent activities related to Shri Ram Chandra Mission and Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation in their part of the world at and ...
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Online Literature
Information on publications, online literature and newsletters can be found at: . Browse and order books online from the U.S. bookstore in Molena, Georgia. Subscribe to one of the seven Echoes newsletters highlighting Sahaj Marg events from different parts of the world. Read online some of the Mission’s most popular publications (including My Master...
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Speeches given by Rev. Master Chariji
Peruse more than 100 speeches given by Master during his worldwide travels, from 1985 through the present, at . With the benefit of his unique perspective, contemplate diverse topics such as Spirituality in Management, Dare to Think, Cultivate Goodness of the Heart, Pray for Change, The Soul and Samskaras, and The Art of Listening to Nature.
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Master's talk on Feb 7, 2010 - Audio and transcription
In his talk, Understanding Sahaj Marg (Kolkata, 7 February, 2010), Master emphasizes the urgency of maintaining our daily practice, attending satsangh and living by the Ten Maxims for the sake of our spiritual existence. Without a firm connection to our spiritual life through the means given us by our Masters, we are in danger of giving up on spiritual practice when our samskaras bring us...
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Master's talk on Feb 2, 2010 - Audio and transcription
In A Celebration - The Heart's Expression of Its Gratitude (Jabalpur, 2 February, 2010), Chariji reminds us that spiritual celebrations are primarily an opportunity to express our gratitude for the gift of spiritual upliftment given by our Sahaj Marg Masters. Such gratitude must not stop when we leave a gathering. Rather, it should be expressed in our ongoing determination to become what we are...
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Added a new speech given by Master on January 19th, 2009
Transcription of a speech titled, "The Spiritual Way into the Higher Life". given by Rev. Master on January 19, 2009 at Chittoor, India has been added in the "Recently published Speeches" section at .
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