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Blogs Blogs
New Speech: Understanding Spirituality
On 7 February 2009, Rev. Master gave a speech in Sonepat, India on the topic, “Understanding Spirituality.” In this talk he entreats us to avoid outward manifestation of our differences and to grow beyond our separate religions into the oneness of spirituality. “In spirituality,” he says, “there is only one and it is for all.” He also reminds us that God is a...
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Website Feedback
The Sahaj Marg web team welcomes your feedback regarding our Mission's website. Please let us know how well it is addressing your needs by answering a few questions about your experience navigating the site. Kindly go to to send your feedback or send an email to
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Gathering of Abhyasis from Karnataka (India) at Manapakkam
Over three thousand abhyasis from Karnataka in South India gathered at Babuji Memorial Ashram in Manapakkam to be with Rev. Master from April 2 – April 4, 2010. This gathering is featured on our website in a slide show including beautiful photographs of the meditation hall and ashram grounds filled with abhyasis, volunteers working together at numerous tasks, the children’s science...
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New ebook - Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. One
An online version of Babuji’s seminal work, Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. One, has recently been added to our website’s ebook section. Included in this volume are some of Babuji’s most highly valued writings: Reality at Dawn, Efficacy of Raja Yoga in the Light of Sahaj Marg, Commentary on the Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg, Towards Infinity and Sahaj Marg Philosophy. While many...
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Important Update: Abhyasi Identity Cards for Abhyasis Outside India
Updated instructions and forms for obtaining new abhyasi identity cards (or reprints) are now available on the Mission website. Cards may now be requested by email (preferred) or by post. It may take two to three months from the time of request for the printed ID card to be delivered. Please plan ahead, as ID cards are required when visiting ashrams or attending major gatherings. Read more at ...
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Term Residency Program at Molena Ashram
In February, 2010, the Molena Ashram in Georgia, USA began offering a Term Residency Program, providing an opportunity for abhyasis to spend from two weeks to two months in residence for the purpose of focusing on their spiritual growth. The serene, rural setting of the ashram, about sixty miles south of Atlanta on thirty-two acres of wooded hills, is an ideal one for spiritual immersion,...
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Important Update: Travel Request Procedure and Form
Abhyasis wishing to visit Babuji Memorial Ashram in Manapakkam and/or to travel with Rev. Master in India must obtain permission by sending in a Travel Request Form which has been revised recently. Registration for bhandaras, such as the Masters’ birthday celebrations, requires this form only if abhyasis are planning to visit the ashram or travel with Master before or after the bhandara...
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Sahaj Marg Meditation Handbook
This introductory guide was prepared to help abhyasis (practicants) understand and follow the practice of Sahaj Marg in the most effective way. It is presented under three main headings that reflect the most important aspects of Sahaj Marg: the Method, the Masters and the Mission. Covering all of the essentials, it is a good resource for new abhyasis as well as those who are more established in...
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Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation Flag
The Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation (SMSF) is a sister organization of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, dedicated to fulfilling civic and social responsibilities, to spiritual education for all and to the principles of tolerance and love among people everywhere. The symbolism of the SMSF flag promotes these unifying ideals both for individuals and for humanity as a whole. A full description of the...
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Animela Kaivalya Ashram in India
Animela Kaivalya Ashram(AKAsh) is a unique rural ashram in a remote valley of Andhra Pradesh (A.P.), South India. Established in the mid-1970s, around the same time as the Shahjahanpur Ashram, it enjoys a continuous flow of natural mineral water springs, even in the hottest summer months. All abhyasis are welcome to further their spiritual development and ‘live in tune with nature’ in...
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