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Video of Master's talk on Meditation
Watch this beautiful explanation of the practice of meditation given by Rev. Chariji which has been added recently at the following link: . This is useful for all abhyasis of Sahaj Marg as well as those interested in spirituality.  
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Photo gallery of Master's recent visit to Jabalpur Ashram
A beautiful slide show of the recent Jabalpur Zonal Ashram inauguration can be viewed at . The structure, reminiscent of Babuji Memorial Ashram in Manapakkam, has an enchanting design all its own--pristine and shining like a fairy tale castle by day and turning luminous at night. Photos include Master's inauguration of...
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Updated information on SPURS Ranch Retreat Centre
“the Retreat Center shall be like a cave hidden away from public view and available only to those abhyasis who wish to improve their abhyas”  - Shri P. Rajagopalachari on SPURS Ranch Retreat Centre. A lot of abhyasis have been benefitted by visiting and participating at SPURS Ranch Retreat Centre in Austin, Texas in the past few years.  Please review the updated...
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CREST at Kharagpur
Second CREST facility at Kharagpur near Kolkata was inaugurated by Rev. Master on 28th September, 2009. Several training programmes have already been held there including International Scholarship Training programme in December, 2009. Please visit the following page for more information:  . More information about this...
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Special Issue of Echoes of Africa
Special Issue of Echoes of Africa and Indian Ocean, celebrating Lalaji's birthday, February 2, 2010 is available at .
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"New Travel Advisory" for visits to Ashrams in India
Important information for abhyasis planning to visit Manapakkam or other SRCM ashrams in India is now provided at . You could also find this information by clicking "Visiting Manapakkam" link at the footer of every page. Please note that a travel request application is mandatory for all abhyasis wishing to visit Manapakkam ashram, or...
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Newest Ashram in Timisoara, Romania
View a slide show of one of the Mission's newest ashrams in Timisoara, Romania. Now awaiting inauguration, the Timisoara ashram was originally suggested by Rev. Master and has been lovingly realized by the abhyasis of that region. See the renovations in progress at .  
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Audio of Master's talk on Universal Prayer
Listen to this audio talk on Universal Prayer given by Rev. Chariji at Birch Bay, USA on July 28, 1989 which has been added recently at the following link: The fundamental elements of our practice—morning meditation, evening cleaning and night-time prayer meditation—are primarily meant for our personal spiritual growth and...
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Schedule of "Sadhana Program" at CREST Bangalore
The new schedule of "Sadhana Program for Abhyasis"  at CREST Bangalore till April, 2010 has been updated on the web pages for CREST Bangalore as well as the online application form. Please visit the following link for details:
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Annual All India Essay Writing Event 2009 Results Announced
The 2009 edition of  the Annual All India Essay Writing event , presented by Shri Ram Chandra Mission [SRCM] in partnership with the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan [UNIC] has been received with spectacular and unprecedented enthusiasm by educational institutions across the country. Over 500,000 students have participated this year, in what is now an...
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