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Subscribe to Constant Remembrance
Constant Remembrance is the global spiritual quarterly magazine of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission. This full colour periodical is produced by an international team and distributed in January, April, July and October. Each issue includes talks or writings from each of the three Masters; articles on spirituality from abhyasis around the world; a topical section with excerpts from the Masters’...
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New Sadhana Program for Abhyasis at CREST
New information is available on the website for upcoming CREST programs in Bangalore, India.  Dates are given for each of the six-day residential sessions through July 2010, including special sadhana programs for Sahaj Marg youth, age 20-30 years. A presentation on the site provides complete details about the daily schedule, campus facilities, and travel information for reaching the centre....
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Online registration for Master's 84th birthday celebrations
Online registration for Rev. Master’s 84th birthday celebrations is now possible for Abhyasis residing outside India. Abhyasis within India may also go online for information and to download registration forms from the website. All abhyasis are requested to register as early as possible, preferably before May 15, 2010. For further information and online registration, go to ...
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March 21, 2010 - United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
In 1966 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 21st the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.  On this date in 2010, people across the globe will engage in activities promoting equality and tolerance in accordance with the ideals and objectives of the UN Charter. Shri Ram Chandra Mission centres and their members in the United States will organize and...
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Babuji’s Birthday Celebrations - 2010
An announcement of Babuji’s birthday celebrations at Vrads Sande has been sent out recently which reminds us that spiritual celebrations "offer us a unique opportunity to establish and strengthen the connection with the divine source." Celebrations of Babuji's birth anniversary (30 April) will be held at ashrams and centres around the world. In India, they will be held in Master's...
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International Scholarship Training Programme
The Scholarship Training Programme was initiated by Rev. P. Rajagopalachari in June of 2002, and since that time one session has been held each year in India during the months of December and January. Selected Sahaj Marg practicants from around the world are invited to participate, representing countries in South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Far East Asia--where the...
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Youth Seminar in Middle East - from Echoes MENA
The first youth seminar held in the Middle East took place on October 16, 2009 in Dubai. Sixty-three abhyasis from various centres (including Iran, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait) attended this special gathering. As described in the Echoes newsletter for the region, ". ..the youth members used the occasion to speak straight from the heart about their practice, vulnerabilities,...
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Sahaj Marg Clarifications Section on the web site
Excerpts from Mission literature as well as direct instructions from Rev. Master provide clarification on various aspects of the Sahaj Marg system of practice, including the required time between individual sittings and satsangh; cleaning prior to satsangh; and individual sittings and cleaning during Bhandaras. See Sahaj Marg Clarifications at
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Online registration for Master's 84th birthday celebrations
Online registration for Rev. Master’s 84th birthday celebrations in Lucknow is now possible for Abhyasis residing outside India. Abhyasis within India may also go online for information and to download registration forms from the website. All abhyasis are requested to register as early as possible, preferably before May 15, 2010. For further information and online registration, go to ...
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March issue of Echoes for Americas
A beautiful March 2010 edition of the Echoes newsletter for the Americas has just been published. Included is an abhyasi’s photo essay on her visit to the SPURS retreat centre, reports on new programmes for abhyasis and our children, a complete guide to the Mission’s website, and much more. Don’t miss these articles or the calendar of upcoming events at ...
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