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CREST Bangalore, Training - Chapters


Click here to see a calendar of programs in 2015.

A new approach is necessary to enable a passionate exploration, broaden our perspectives, and trigger creative learning through inner discovery. Accordingly, it is proposed to organise CREST’s activities around certain ‘chapters’ that are united by a common spiritual interest.

These chapters will bring together people with a variety of experiences and talents, including those who can speak well, content creators and people who can convey meaning through other modes such as art, media, writing etc. We aspire to have diverse and complementary perspectives and life experiences in each area.

Six chapters have been identified and an initial description of each is given below. These descriptions are just a start. They are not exhaustive.

1. Embracing Life: Centred living, disciplined living, and grihastha living, all types of relationships, and our interactions with those around us. The Sahaj Marg way of life.

2. Exploring the Heart: Interiorisation, art of the heart, practising with joy, and exploring real progress.

3. Living Naturally: Economy in everything, being simple and in tune with nature, non-invasive living, and our interactions with the world around us.

4. Exploring the Mind: Wonder, power of suggestion, opening our minds, accessing the higher mind, and the real purpose of mind.

5. Refining the Self: Self-development and transformation, nobility of character, unbecoming, arriving at what I am, being the same inside and out.

6. Human Integration: Traditions and Culture: The essence of spirituality, appreciating various religions, traditions with a spirit of inquiry, freeing ourselves of dogma and prejudice, developing mutual love and respect, and one world one family.

As abhyasis, everything we do will inevitably draw us back to the essence of our practice and to love. We hope that these chapters will promote a deepening of our spiritual roots, as well as an expanding acceptance of the world around us.

Each chapter will commence with a one-week seminar to explore the area. This will include deeper contemplation in the specific area, identifying talent inside and outside the Mission, developing learning tools and content, encouraging individual research where appropriate, and starting the process of developing and delivering programs. The group will explore how to inspire participants and touch hearts in a variety of audiences and contexts. Each group will use this time together at CREST to chart out their journey ahead.

A video from the first chapter seminar on ‘Exploring the Heart’ can be seen at the top of this page.

Abhyasis can apply for the chapter seminars using the form below, which can be sent to crest.chapters@sahajmarg.org. Those who have already applied for the chapters need NOT apply again. They will be invited to join one of the programs at CREST, subject to availability.

Application Form

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