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Ten Maxims

Our spiritual goal is mergence with the divine. It is possible only by becoming Master like in our nature and everything. Master's basic quality is His universal love, which is the quality of divinity. Master gave us the maxim " Love all whom he loves" as a guidance to us in our pursuit to be Master like. As human beings, standing at various levels, we should pick up this thread of love at some level to proceed in the right direction of universal love. It is obvious that the first, basic step is to treat fellow human beings with love as brothers and sisters. The sixth maxim reveals this aspect of our spiritual practice. It says, " Know all people as your brethren and treat them as such."

Creation has come down to the worldly level from the highest subtle level, by a process of reflection at each level. All the happenings at the worldly level are enacted at the higher, subtler levels before coming down. Events happening at the material world level already happen in the astral form in the Brahamand region prior to coming down to the material world. In the Brahamand region it comes down from its higher level; like wise all the events are reflected from the source before being projected at the various levels down below up to the material world. So any correction done at this lower level will have its influence at the higher levels also. When we develop the quality of universal brotherhood at the worldly level its reverberations are felt at all the higher levels making them pure and divine, paving the way for us for our journey to the source.

Mind is the vehicle, which takes us to the external world through the senses. If the mind is not in order the external world also will appear to be in disorder. In fact what we experience as the external world, is what the mind shows us like a movie. If the mind is turbulent the external world will appear to be turbulent. If the mind is emotional the external world will reflect the same emotions to us. It is the same mind, which takes us to the inner world also through our spiritual journey. The spiritual journey should end up in the calmness and tranquility of the divine, the Master like condition, which we aspire for. So calmness of mind at all levels is an essential requisite of spiritual evolution. That is why Master gives so much importance for regulating the mind. He says controlling is not the way but regulation is the correct approach. In controlling the mind pressure will be built up and calmness will be disturbed. Emotions like hatred, revenge, and anger will disturb the tranquility of the mind. On the contrary a feeling of love will bring enormous calmness and bliss to the mind. The seventh maxim gives this instruction to us. "Be not revengeful for the wrongs done by others. Take them with gratitude as heavenly gifts."

As we can see the second part of the maxim cleverly changes our wrong emotion into one of extreme love. It exhorts us to be actually grateful for the persons doing wrong things against us. The real fact of the situation is that we create our own destiny. Nobody can do anything wrong or good to us unless we have a samskara (impressions) in us to undergo this, and this samskara (impressions) is created only by our own thoughts and actions as coverings around the soul, which is pure by essence. (Samskaras). This pure nature of the soul rejects any impurity around it and continuously strives to bring back its original state of purity by creating opportunities for the Bhoga (Undergoing the effect of the samskara) either by internal or external agencies. When they come from external agencies we wrongly interpret them as wrongs committed by others. When they happen through internal agencies we either blame God or our destiny ignorantly, without knowing that they come for our benefit, for our well-being. In fact we should only feel grateful to the source in all these cases whether it is external or internal.

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An archer can never hit the mark unless his attention is fixed on it. An abhyasi needs to be like the archer and keep his attention ever fixed on the goal.

- Babuji