TRUTH ETERNAL: (1973, 116p, second edition, hardcover) Written by Grand Master Shri Ram Chandraji (Lalaji) of Fatehgarh (1873-1931). The author has compiled in these short chapters a priceless anthology suitable for any spiritual aspirant in any time. Though he lived and wrote these words many years ago, they are limitless in scope and time. Lalaji is credited with the timely rediscovery of yogic transmission (pranahuti). Also contains a beautiful biographical introduction written by Babuji on his beloved Lalaji's life. The translator, Shri S. A. Sarnad, amended the first printing by consulting the author's original manuscripts. The changes result in clarifications that further illuminate the author's original text.


COMPLETE WORKS OF RAM CHANDRA , Volume 1: (1989,388p, first edition, hardcover) Contains five books by Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (Babuji): 1) Reality at Dawn. Explains the purpose and goal of life and how one attains that goal with the help of the Master. 2) Efficacy of Raja Yoga. Explains the Sahaj Marg system of Raja Yoga and takes us through the heart, mind and central regions. 3) Commentary on the Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg. According to Babuji, the best book he has written. 3) Towards Infinity. A description of the spiritual journey through each of the points, or knots, and the conditions prevailing at each. 5) Sahaj Marg Philosophy. The first half includes explanation of reality, cosmology, the nature of man, and knowledge. The second half explains the role of the abhyasi and the role of the Master. Contains a complete glossary of Sanskrit terms used in all of Babuji's books.

COMPLETE WORKS OF RAM CHANDRA , Volume 2: (1991, 300p, first edition, hardcover) This volume contains Voice Real, Volumes I & II, both of which were previously out of print. It is a collection of Babuji's speeches and writings on unique spiritual subjects, told in his genuine style. There are also two sections of his responses to abhyasis' letters, often on specific topics of Sahaj Marg. In a familiar way, Babuji relates his intimate understanding of spirituality to both his closest associates and to the public at large. This book also contains a complete glossary of Sanskrit terms used in all of Babuji's books. (Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Volume II is currently out of print.)

COMPLETE WORKS OF RAM CHANDRA , Volume 3: (1997, 378p, first edition, hardcover) This book contains both volumes of Ram Chandra's Autobiography covering the years 1899-1932 and 1933-1955 as well as Messages Universal. His first Autobiography consists of his diary entries, his comments on those entries, and correspondence between him and Lalaji. The second Autobiography of diary entries reveals the inner workings of such a great being. Messages Universal is a collection of his formal talks given from 1957 to 1982. The complete book is 378 pages long and includes a glossary and extensive index. This is the third and final book in this set.

AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF RAM CHANDRA: (1986, 122p, softcover) In this volume, Babuji reveals his experiences and works as a Master, the Spiritual Personality, working with many saints. It has been abridged and covers the period 1933-1955. Babuji expressed the desire that the second volume of his autobiography should be brought out by the Mission only after his lifetime. Whereas the first volume of the Autobiography (published in 1973) deals with the Babuji's life as a disciple under his own Master, Lalaji Maharaj, the second volume is concerned with his work as the Master. Translated from Urdu into English by Shri S.A. Sarnad.

LETTERS OF THE MASTER, Volume I & II: (1992, 2 vol. set, hardcover+box. Vol. I: 363p, Vol. II: 338p) These volumes contain the body of correspondence between Babuji and one of his foremost disciples from South India, Dr. K.C. Varadachari of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. Dr. Varadachari was a renowned scholar and philosopher; apart from being one of the first abhyasis (and preceptors) of the Mission in South India. Since coming to the feet of his Master in 1953, he brought the luster of his intellectual acumen and devotion to the Mission's work until he passed away in 1971 after a brief illness. He rendered signal service to Babuji in furthering the aims and objectives of the Mission.

LETTERS OF THE MASTER, Volume III : (1996, first edition, hardcover, 332p) This volume contains correspondence between Ram Chandraji of Shahjahanpur and Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari during the years 1966 through 1972. The letters published cover a wide range of topics from deeply personal discussions concerning the experiences and interpretations of various spiritual stages along the path, as well as clarifications relating to Babuji's work as the Master, observations about life in those days within their family and office settings, and the growth of the Mission and its associated concerns. This book articulates the many levels of communication which take place between two spiritual adepts, as they address the needs of the physical and spiritual worlds.

MESSAGES UNIVERSAL , Volume I: (1986, 122p, first edition, softcover) This book contains a complete edition of Babuji's thirty - five messages, delivered at official Mission functions (Basant Panchami celebrations, Ashram inaugurations, etc.), 1957 - 1982.


MY MASTER: (1989, 173p, first edition, hardcover) This beautiful narration is lovingly told by Babuji's spiritual representative, Parthasarthi Rajagopalachari, and relates his growing love and understanding of the Master, a uniquely simple yet spiritually profound man. Blending simple human wisdom with unsurpassed spiritual clarity, he reflects on the perfectibility of human being within a spiritual life. It contains many conversations and illuminations of Babuji that make readers feel as if they had also met this wonderful personality. Part I describes the Master, and part II, his teaching and work.

HEART TO HEART , Volume II: (Volume I of Heart To Heart is currently out of print) (1991, 332p, first edition, hardcover) This volume contains various talks, questions and answers from Sahaj Marg seminars in September and October, 1987, in France, Madagascar, and Switzerland.

HEART TO HEART , Volume III: (1993, 285p, first edition, hardcover) This volume contains talks given in Europe and the United States from June 15, to September 25, 1988. "Love has to be so much enlarged, so much universalized, that eventually there is a sort of a resonance between your heart and the big heart that we call God."

IN HIS FOOTSTEPS Volume I: (1988, 322p, first edition, softcover) The personal diary of Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, the President of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, covering the period October 23, 1965 through December 15, 1971. Chariji reached the feet of his Master, Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, in 1963; The book includes a glossary of sanskrit words used in Babuji's works.

IN HIS FOOTSTEPS Volume II: (1993, 376p, first edition, hardcover) This book is a continuation of the diary entries of Reverend Chariji covering the period of 1972 to 1976 - a time of intense growth in the mission in India and the laying of the foundations for Shri Ram Chandra Mission worldwide. Chariji relates his own spiritual journey and growth under the loving attention of his Master.

DOWN MEMORY LANE Volume I: (1993, 352p, first edition, hardcover) This book is the author's account of his early life until his studies at Banares Hindu University in 1938. Besides recounting in poignant and loving detail the influences and characters of his relatives as well as the social customs and traditions of the day, it reflects very deeply the author's love and respects for his father, who raised three sons without the benefit of a wife and mother. The historical and sociological significance of this book as it recounts the life of a boy growing up in the time of great change during the last days of the British Raja in India, is invaluable. Through it all, one can discern the seeds of spirituality which were sown and nurtured in preparation for the great and onerous task the author has inherited from his Master.

RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY: (1992, 152p, first edition, hardcover) This book contains seven talks delivered by Shri P. Rajagopalachari on consecutive days during the 1991 Summer Seminar in Augers, France. These talks cover the breadth of spirituality, starting from the simple principles of education and learning , proceeding on to expose the false pretense inherent in the interpretation of social, cultural, and religious systems, and concluding with a discussion of the ultimate spiritual equalizer, death. The many myths on which the notion of reality is based are skillfully and eloquently dismantled. After reading this book, one will have a much clearer sense that spirituality begins where religion ends.

LOVE AND DEATH: (1992, 132p, first edition, hardcover) The inauguration of the North - European Ashram of Shri Ram Chandra Mission took place at Vrads Sande, Denmark on August 21, 1992. This book is a collection of ten talks given by P. Rajagopalachari at Vrads Sande, Copenhagen, and Arhus during his August 8 to September 20 visit to Denmark. "To die in love means to live forever. To die thinking of yourself, in your selfishness, in your own personal vainglory, is to die forever. So, one is the way to immortality, the other is the way to hell, to recurrence- eternal recurrence, as one psychologist has called it, again and again and again, until we learn to love, to sacrifice, to die to ourselves."

THE PRINCIPLES OF SAHAJ MARG Volumes I through IX: (Vol I, 1986, 207p, out of print. Vol II, 1987, 157p, out of print; Vol III, 1987, 193p; Vol IV, 1988, 200p; Vol V, 1989, 218p; Vol VI, 1990, 223p; Vol VII, 1993, 231p, Vol VIII, 1993, 236p. Vol IX, 1995, 233p. All vols. hardcover) In 1972, Babuji toured Egypt, Europe, U.K. and USA for three months. Also a six week 1976 tour of Europe, a 1977 four week tour of Malaysia and Singapore, and a 1980 month long trip to Copenhagen and Munich. Three weeks in Malaysia in 1981, then his final week-long visit to Paris in 1982. Chariji accompanied Babuji, and wrote four (now out - of - print) books: India in the West (1972), Sahaj Marg in Europe (1976), Blossoms in the East (1977), and Garden of Hearts (1980), and a Q&A book, Face to Face. Vol. I: 18 lectures (from these books) by Chariji. Vol. II: 22 articles written from 1969-81, Vol III: 17 talks/messages in India from 1983-85, and Vol. IV: 19 talks from 1985-86. Vol. V:13 talks during 1986. Vol VI: talks given in India from Oct. 1986-Feb. 1987. Vol. VII: talks given in India from March to June, 1987. Vol. VIII: talks given in India from July, 1987 to January, 1988. Vol IX: talks given in India from January to October, 1988.

HEART OF THE LION: (1993, 190p, first edition, hardcover) Chariji states, "Make sure you have a heart. We all imagine we have hearts - golden hearts, spiritual hearts. Make sure you have a heart, not just a pump, pumping away futilely. Make sure you have a heart, then start developing that heart into something into which Divinity can plunge itself and renew itself and come out as you." This book contains a series of talks given during the seminar in the Republic of South Africa between April 9 and 25, 1993. In these talks he calls on his deep understanding and experiences of the pains and joys of the spiritual, the pitfalls and confusion encountered along the way, and answers such questions as, "What is the real meaning and experience of spirituality?" " Why must pain be synonymous with love?" "What is a Master, and why must he be my Master?"

REVEALING THE PERSONALITY: (1993, 277p, first edition, hardcover) This book contains talks given by Shri P. Rajagopalachari in Augerans, Lyon, Paris, Vrads Sande, Minsk, Poilez-Pittet, and Copenhagen during May to July, 1993. "So what is the purpose of yoga? I have been thinking over this for a long time. Of course, obviously when we do the cleaning and we remove the samskaras and our different personalities fall off bit by bit, which we call change in personality - aggressiveness goes, for instance, greed goes, lust goes. One by one, all these samskaras go and our personality changes. It is as if peeling an onion. You take off skin after skin. You can say it is the peeling of the personality. What is the result? When everything is taken from the onion, what is the result? We can say, nothing . But when we take away everything from ourselves, what is the result? I think we reveal what is within."

THE ROLE OF MASTER IN HUMAN EVOLUTION: (1993, 175p, third edition, hardcover) Proceedings of the Sahaj Marg seminars held at Vorauf-Munich, Paris and Marseilles, from June 28 to July 13, 1986. Part I:Role of The Master in Human Evolution (speeches at Vorauf and Marseilles). Part II: Four lectures (Paris): Obedience, religion and spirituality, `spiritual love', and `living death.' Part III: (Vorauf)Questions and Answers concerning `meditation on the form', jealousy, praying for a sick person, deserving a Master, guilt, family life, anger and greed, praying to Jesus, and duty.

WHAT IS SAHAJ MARG?: (1993, 275p, second edition, hardcover) Originally published in 1988 as What is Sahaj Marg? (A Preceptor's Guide), this edition has been edited for release to the general public. It contains lectures and discussions from the preceptor seminars on Sahaj Marg held at West Point, USA in September, 1988, and in Courmettes, France in July, 1988. It contains lectures on the topics of "Education - Means and Purpose,", "The Master, the Mission, and the Method", "The Role of the Master", "Stages of Spiritual Progress", "The Role of the Preceptor", and "Faith", among others. The last third of the book contains discussions, questions and answers. It provides an excellent and in-depth understanding of the Sahaj Marg system.




TEARS AND LAUGHTER, Volume I edited by A.J. Born.(1990, 1st edition, 180p, hardcover) A collection of 31 personal stories by Western abhyasis whose hearts were touched by their association with Babuji, either in India or during his visit to the West. "In the late 1960's the first Westerners came into contact with Babuji and started their spiritual training under his guidance. These narratives tell of their many unique and affectionate relationships with him, and how lives were transformed in the light of his example. May this serve as an introduction to, and a reminder of, this great spiritual Master and guide, for those who never had the good fortune to seek him out during his lifetime."

A SAHAJ MARG COMPANION, written by Clark Powell (1996, 1st edition, 199 pages, hardcover). This comprehensive book of questions and answers evolved from the need to address the issues frequently raised by Westerners. It is written with the hope that it will be of assistance not only to those considering Sahaj Marg as a possible practice, or to those already practicing Sahaj Marg, but also to anyone interested in spirituality, no matter what path they may follow.

PSYCHOLOGY & ITS ROLE IN SPIRITUALITY, written by Ferdinand Wulliemier, (1996, 1st edition, 297 pages, hardcover). This book, by a Western abhyasi (Ferdinand Wulliemier) of the Sahaj Marg yoga discipline, offers his personal insight into the simple but effective system of abhyas (practice) that he has adopted, and the role that psychology plays in it."

MEDITATION - SAHAJ MARG EDUCATIONAL SERIES, VOLUME I (1997, 1st edition, 253 pages, hardcover). This is a book of extracts on the topic of meditation from the published books of the Mission by Lalaji, Babuji and Chariji. The 253 page book has been compiled by Ferdinand Wulliemier and includes a glossary and three photos. The book is divided into two sections: What Meditation Is Not, and What Meditation Is. This is volume one in the new series: Sahaj Marg Educational Series. Future releases will include the topics of constant remembrance, cleaning, prayer, etc.

BASICS OF SAHAJ MARG SADHANA, Questions & Answers, by A.P.Durai (1990,26p). In depth answer to questions about the Sahaj Marg practice; a thorough treatment of the subject.

EVOLUTION TOWARDS DIVINITY (1987, 125p, softcover) A collection of talks given by Shri P. Rajagopalachari in India, between 1983 and 1986, and some articles of Sahaj Marg contributed by devoted abhyasis.

BABUJI MAHARAJ AND HIS DISCIPLES, by Stella Jaquerod-Davis (1993, 106p, softcover) An abhyasi writes about her experiences with Babuji and Chariji. Also contains a second book: The Guiding Hands - a collection of spiritual poems (56p) by the author.

DREAMS AWAKENING, by Thomas Mogensen (1992, 160p, softcover) From the forward: "When Chariji read the manuscript to In the Light of His Light, he said `There must be much more'." This book has additional recounting of Babuji Maharaj, including his interactions with Chariji.

SAHAJ MARG MAGAZINE (Denmark Inauguration issue) July, 1992, 60p) Usually released as Sahaj Marg Bladget (in Danish), this issue is an English translation, released on the occasion of the August, 1992 inauguration of the new North-European Vrads Sande ashram. Includes many articles, with general themes: the Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg in the future.


Audio Tapes


Babuji In Shahjahanpur, 1971-1975 (5 tapes and book containing complete transcriptions of all talks). Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur with abhyasis. Also available in CD format, without book; see below.

Babuji In Shahjahanpur, 1971-1975 (5 compact disks). Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur with abhyasis. Noise and distortion has been substantially reduced, making it much easier to understand Babuji's words. (Does not include transcription book.)

Vorauf Talks, 1985 (2 tapes). Talks by Shri P. Rajagopalachari, at Master's 86th Birth Anniversary at Vorauf, Germany.

Easton-Montreal, 1987 (3 tapes) Includes Chariji's opening talk, questions and answers in Easton and Montreal, from August 10 to August 18, 1987. English only.

Chateau d'Oex,1987 (3 tapes) Talks by Shri P. Rajagopalachari in Switzerland. English and French.

Copenhagen, 1987 (2 tapes). Talks in Denmark by Shri P. Rajagopalachari.

What Is An Ashram?, 1988 (1 tape) Talks given by Shri P.Rajagopalachari in Atlanta. English only.

Public Talks, 1989, (3 tapes, No. 3-5) Talks given by Shri P. Rajagopalachari in Birch Bay, Washington (July 28, 1989), Atlanta, GA. (August 12,1989), Burnaby, B.C. (July 30,1989), and San Jose, CA. (August 2, 1989). English only.

Public Talks, 1989, (1 tape, No.8) Talks by Shri P.Rajagopalachari in Pallanza, Italy. English/ Italian.

Public Talks, 1990 (No. 1-3) Talks given by Shri P.Rajagopalachari in Augerans (July 15 and 23, 1990), Geneva (August 7 and 9, 1990), and Brussels (August 12, 1990).

Seminars, 1991 (No. 1-3) Talks given by Shri P. Rajagopalachari in South Africa ( April 17,19, and 22, 1991), Augerans (January 1, 1991), and Bombay (May 7,1991).

Talks, India, 1991 (2 tapes)

Religion & Spirituality, 1991 (3 tapes) A series of seven talks on education, religion, spirituality, and death, given by Shri P.Rajagopalachari during July, 1991. English only.

Love and Death, 1992 (3 tapes) Talks by Shri P. Rajagopalachari in Denmark during August, 1992.

Western Tour, 1992 (3 tapes) Talks given by Shri P. Rajagopalachari in London (September 21), Molena, Georgia (October 2,3), Staten Island, NY (October 13, 16), and Paris (October 19).

Basant, 1993 in Madras (2 tapes) At Manapakkam Ashram, talks by Shri P.Rajagopalachari given on January 27-29, including open house address.

Babuji's Birthday, 1993 in Madras (1 tape) Shri P.Rajagopalachari's message given on April 30, 1993 at Manapakkam.

Conference in India, 1993 (5 tapes) Talks by Shri P.Rajagopalachari: Baroda (August 8) "Spirituality and management in modern India." Anand (August 30) "Meditation, a must for a complete man." Ahmedabad (September 3). Ahmedabad (September 3) "Character in Management." Hyderabad (September 17) "Role of Spirituality in Science."

Gujarat Tour, India, 1993 (3 tapes) Talks given by Shri P.Rajagopalachari in Ahmedabad (August 21,22,23) and Surat, India (August 27).


Video Cassette 


LOVE HIM WHO LOVES ALL, (1 hour, VHS) A collection of Super -8 films taken of Babuji in Shahjahanpur during the early 1970s, narrated by Chariji.

NEW JERSEY, CHARIJI, 1986 (6 hours, VHS) Several talks given at Lebanon, NJ by Chariji. Some talks have French translation.

THE MESSAGE OF THE HEART, San Jose, California, 1989 (38 minutes, VHS) An introductory talk given at an open house by Chariji.

MASTER & MEDITATION. (17 minutes, VHS) Made in 1990, this video of Chariji includes scenes from his house, Manappakkam Ashram, and other South India locations. Chariji conveys some essential aspects of meditation, the goal, evolution, and speaks of other practice he undertook before coming to Sahaj Marg.

VISION OF ASIA, (13 minutes, VHS ) Interview with Shri P. Rajagopalachari in Atlanta, speaking about the need for balance between spirituality and materialism. "Be simple and in tune with nature." Includes a few minutes of abhyasis speaking about Sahaj Marg.

VISITING BABUJI IN SHAHJAHANPUR (30 minutes, VHS) A Super-8 film (converted to VHS) of a visit to Shahjahanpur showing Babuji in his home and at the newly constructed ashram, between Dec. 1973 and Jan. 1975.

NOW I AM TELLING YOU (27 minutes, VHS) Rare video footage made in Shahjahanpur in 1971 by abhyasis from Denmark. "This video-film, originally made by amateurs using simple Super-8 equipment, is in no way a technical masterpiece. But in long sequence, it brings us close to Babuji in the days where he was in full vigor and extremely talkative, spontaneously answering questions and giving details from his own abhyas." Includes a pamphlet containing a full transcription of the soundtrack.

SEA OF LOVE (35m, 1993,VHS) Produced by Yasmina Bauernfeind, this beautiful video speaks about Sahaj Marg; It contains footage of Chariji and other abhyasis speaking on various topics in India and overseas (including Molena ashram).

CALL OF THE HIMALAYAS (1993, VHS) A loving documentary of Chariji's recent trip to the Hiyas.

MEDITATION AND SPIRITUALITY IN AMERICA (1996,VHS) This is an interview with Shri. Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari'.

BEING THERE (1996-Denmark,VHS) A documentary about the 1995 summer seminar at Vrads Sande, Denmark.


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