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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2010.04 - Sunday, 7 February 2010

Contents of this Newsletter

  • Report on Master’s visit to Jabalpur & Nagpur
  • Travel Request Information and Application Forms

Report on Master's visit to Jabalpur & Nagpur

Jan 30 to Feb 4, 2010, Report submitted by Br. Vikalp Mundra

In Pictures: A photo album of this visit can be seen at the Mission’s website at:

30th January 2010
Revered Master reached Jabalpur at about 1405 Hrs. from Delhi. A large number of loving hearts were present at the airport to welcome their Beloved Master. Even after a tiring flight still he responded to all those present with a loving smile.

He went to the house of an abhaysi in the ashram area, where he stayed for Rev. Lalaji Maharaj Birth Anniversary celebration. Almost 2000 abhaysis welcomed him as he arrived at the ashram.

31st January 2010
Today marked the beginning of the 3-day celebration of Rev. Lalaji Maharaj Birth Anniversary at Jabalpur.  On this day, Master inaugurated the Zonal Ashram for Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur, which was very beautifully decorated with flowers.

The Meditation hall has been built like an old British building, to remind Master of the architecture of the time when he lived in Jabalpur. It also borrows some features of the Christ Church School, where Beloved Master studied.

The stage back drop for the celebrations was very thoughtfully designed, having photographs of our Beloved Master in his school uniform at one end looking toward his current photograph, along with an image of his school register that actually contains his name!

All patiently waited until Master inaugurated the meditation hall at around 7:30 AM by unveiling the stone plaque cutting the ribbon. All abhaysis entered the hall once Master was seated.

The Jabalpur ashram has a meditation hall with a capacity to seat nearly 700 people, a dormitory & toilet block, administrative office, kitchen & dining hall, all situated in 6.5 acres.  The construction work started on 1st February 2009 and was completed in a year.

The morning satsangh was followed by heart touching bhajans, then Master took a tour of the entire ashram in a car.

The evening satsangh was conducted by Br. Ajay Bhatter, and followed by a cultural program presented by the children of the Jabalpur center.

February 1, 2010
Master conducted the morning satsangh and then met with abhaysis in his cottage.  All the abhyasis were accommodated within the ashram premises, and were in a blissful state, despite minor physical discomfort of living in tents and the cold climate.

Evening satsangh was conducted by Br. Ajay Bhatter, after which a professional singer presented some spiritual bhajans & gazals.

February 2, 2010 - Revered Lalaji's birth anniversary
Beloved Master arrived in the meditation hall & was happy to see everyone assembled well in time. Seeing that it was only 6:55 AM and satsangh was scheduled at 7:30, Master smiled and said in Hindi "Khane ki table par aap kitni der wait kar sakate ho,  arre bhai jaldi se khana dijiye!  Yahan bhi aise hi hai, hum ab ruk nahi sakte, shuru karna hi hoga”. [After sitting at the dining table, how long can one wait? (One would say), please give me some food quickly!  It is the same is here - now I cannot wait, we will have to start (satsangh)]!

After satsangh Br. Ajay Bhatter gave a speech in which he emphasized the need to be regular in sadhana, to keep the Goal always in our focus, and to protect the condition given by Master during Bhandaras by behaving properly and in the right direction. He reminded abhaysis about Master’s new year message and urged them to create sense of urgency for the Goal in their hearts. He suggested the real Master is within us and the outer Master helps us to establish the contact with inner Master; Even Master does not interfere in the bhog of samskaras but with HIS help we get strength to undergo this wisely. Satsangh was followed by a few devotional bhajans.

Evening satsangh was conducted by Master. Immediately after satsangh, he addressed the abhaysis and emphasized that the celebration never ends, i.e. should not end but continue with us thru remembrance of the great Masters. He also stressed the need to discipline oneself regarding usage of mobile phones and advised abhyasis not to rush to switch on their phones immediately after the satsangh.

With this, the three day celebration of the Birth Anniversary of our Adi Guru Rev. alaji Maharaj was concluded.  Overall, nearly 3,800 abhyasis & 300 children participated in the celebrations at Jabalpur. As always, it felt as if the days of the Utsav flew by very fast!

February 3, 2010
Master left for Nagpur by road in the morning. On the way, he stopped at Seoni, where nearly 300 abhyasis were present. Master sat in the sun with everyone and was happy to meet the children and be photographed with them.

After lunch, Master proceeded towards Nagpur and suddenly decided to go to the Ashram directly. Nearly 1,200 abhyasis were present and were very pleasantly surprised to see Master. After a tiring journey of six and a half hours, Master took only a little rest and walked to the meditation hall to conduct satsangh. After satsangh, he stayed on to see a small cultural program.  Only after dinner did Master leave the Ashram for the place where he stayed the night.

February 4, 2010
Master left for the ashram at 7:00 AM.  Following breakfast, he conducted satsangh.  A beautiful dance was performed, titled ‘Journey of Soul’.  It was based on the theme of how a soul is tempted in the material word and if it practices sadhana properly, the Divine leads it to the ultimate goal.

Master returned to his place of stay, and spent some time sitting in the verandah informally talking to everyone, and lovingly joking in his typical manner, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

The house where Master was staying is almost a hundred years old and reminded him of his home in Jabalpur. Master mentioned that in earlier times people were broad minded and built big houses whereas today, along with our minds, our houses have also shrunk!

This long awaited visit of Master to Nagpur created much warmth & love, which will definitely benefit everyone in the region.  Master left for Kolkata by an evening flight.

Travel Request Information and Application Forms

Important information for abhyasis planning to visit Manapakkam or other SRCM ashrams in India is now provided at http://www.sahajmarg.org/smww/bma-request-to-visit.

Please note that a travel request application is mandatory for all abhyasis wishing to visit Manapakkam ashram, to travel with Master, or to attend a bhandara in India. Each individual requesting this permission must be recommended by his or her prefect and by the country in-charge/regional coordinator. The site provides detailed guidelines for deriving the most spiritual benefit from your trip.