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Dear Sister/Brother:

Contents of this Newsletter: 

  1. International Scholarship Training Programme 2008/2009
  2. SRCM Abhyasi Cards required for Satkhol and Retreat Centre Applications
  3. Applications for Satkhol Summer Batches (2009)
  4. Recent Talks given by Master

    • International Scholarship Training Programme 2008/2009
      Report by Brother Alberto Lafranchi, STP director, Switzerland


    We have reached the end of the 2008/2009 International Scholarship Training Program in India. This year 26 scholars and 13 coordinators participated from all the five continents and from 20 different countries. The scholars spent four intense weeks together in Master's presence listening to talks from experienced faculty members, participating in workshops and volunteer work, reading Mission literature, and enjoying the divine atmosphere of the Babuji Memorial Ashram in Manapakkam and Malampuzha SMSF Retreat Center in Kerala. The scholars were very well looked after by our brothers and sisters and experienced brotherhood in the truest sense.

    The International Scholarship Training Program is sponsored by the Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation (http://www.sahajmarg.com) and is designed to give participants from countries where Sahaj Marg is developing an opportunity to meet Master, to experience ashram life and to get a solid grounding in all aspects of Sahaj Marg.

    During a speech to the scholars on 20 December 2008 Master emphasised that we must come to spiritual life to change ourselves. Therefore, in our practice of spiritual life, the total responsibility for our welfare, for our happiness, for our growth is bluntly, entirely on us. Rev. Master concluded His speech by telling the scholars that their stay in India is their chance, their purpose, and an opportunity to change themselves and therefore change the world.

    Master distributed certificates to the scholars after satsangh on January 11, 2009 at Manapakkam to mark the completion of this program. A photograph of this can be seen at:

    • SRCM Abhyasi Cards required for Satkhol and Retreat Centre Applications

    Abhyasis are requested to note that from now on, only those having a valid PERMANENT SRCM Abhyasi card will be eligible to apply to visit Satkhol and Retreat Centres.

    For Abhyasis in India: Temporary (yellow) cards are valid for ONE YEAR ONLY. Abhyasis may start the process of applying for a Permanent card after completion of six months of abhyas, if the Prefect approves the same. This will ensure that the abhyasi has a Permanent SRCM card immediately upon completing one year.

    Applications received for Satkhol and Retreat Centres with Temporary ID numbers will not be processed.

    • Applications for Satkhol Summer Batches (2009)

    We are happy to announce that the online application forms for the Summer Batches for the year 2009 ( Batch 260 to 271) are now available online at:
    http://www.srcm.info/satkhol/satkhol home.htm

    It will not be possible to apply for batches other than what is posted. Applications will be processed on a first come first served basis. Please go through the Guidelines carefully BEFORE filling out the application form.

    For those who have no internet access, they may please contact their preceptors for assistance. You may also contact the Satkhol Admin Office at 044 2252 1099 or 044 4217 1111; ext. 218, between 10 am to 12 noon or between 3 pm to 4:30 pm for any queries.

    • Recent Talks given by Master

    Several talks given by Master have been uploaded to our website at:

    Recent talks for prefects have been uploaded to the prefects section.