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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2007.29 – Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dear Sister / Brother: 

Video report of Rev. Master’s 80th Birth Anniversary celebrations
Compiled by Br. Robert Grant, Chennai

A short video report of Rev. Master’s 80th Birth Anniversary celebrations at Tiruppur, India may be seen at:  http://web.mac.com/spiritualvision/iWeb/Spiritualvision/Home.html


Rev. Master’s visit to Bangalore
August 4 - 15
Report contributed by Br. Ramesh Krishnan, Bangalore

We were all eagerly awaiting Master’s arrival in Natarampalli.  Master's convoy arrived at 11:00 am much to the delight of all the abhyasis.  After having some refreshments, Master immediately joined the abhyasis outside His room to enjoy the weather and partake in some free flowing conversation.  The conversation ranged from technology to plans for the upcoming ashrams in the nearby centers.  There was a feeling of joy, calmness and excitement amongst those present.

After lunch, Rev. Master left for the Zonal Ashram in Bangalore.  On Sunday, August 5, Master conducted Satsangh, and immediately came and sat outside his cottage to spend time with the abhyasis.  He shared many pearls during this exchange.  A few are captured below:

  1. "In a perfect world – perfect spiritually – there will be no power.  There will only be Peace.  Power and Peace do not coexist."
  2. "Without suffering, there is no giving.  Preceptors need to work with the only thought that they are working for the Master and work on the abhyasis".
  3. "Sahaj Marg is a forceless force.  The only forceless force, is a vacuum, which without doing anything holds things together. "
  4. "According to the Vedas, the Father disciplines - without the Father there is no discipline.  Mothers are usually more attached, they are emotional.  Fathers must discipline, and mothers must love, which is their natural instinct."
  5. "Happiness, contentment happens only when we give up…Hence the saying from Christ, "Sell everything and follow me"
  6. Abhyasi's question: "Can we make wrong decisions in spirituality?"
    Master:   There is no wrong or right decisions in spirituality.  There is only evolutionary and devolutionary - something that can take me up, something that can take me down.  That's all.

In the evening, Master left for the Banashankari Ashram and stayed there overnight.   The next day, August 6, Master left for His residence.  The groundbreaking ceremony for a new meditation hall was also being planned on August 8. The kitchen team had setup a huge tent nearby and were all geared up to serve the 2000+ abhyasis who were invited for the special occasion.  The meditation tent was being erected and volunteers were bustling around in preparation and anticipation for the special day.  In the evening of August 7, Master delighted all those present by cutting a huge chocolate cake and distributing pieces of the cake to the young ones present.

On August 8, approx. 2000 abhyasis assembled in the wee hours of the morning, in front of His cottage.  There was a huge lineup in front of His room, to wish and exchange greetings with Him.  It was amazing to watch the patience with which He met with everyone individually, despite all His discomfort.  It was a true demonstration of Love and Sacrifice, the essential attributes for spiritual growth, in action.  He conducted Satsangh at 9 am.  After Satsangh, He walked over the meditation site and performed the groundbreaking ceremony. 

This was a joyous moment for the Bangalore abhyasis.  Master had blessed the center with another meditation hall, this one on the eastern side of the city.  As He walked back to His car, He said, “Congratulations!!  May your center grow.  It is after all for you that I am building this!!”

On August 9, Master left for CREST (Center for Research, Education, Sadhana, and Training) early in the morning to celebrate the “Foundation Day” of CREST.  It has been one year since CREST was officially inaugurated by Rev. Master.  Brother Ajay Bhatter conducted Satsangh followed by a short speech by Brother Jagannathan, Director of CREST, and Brother Ajay Bhatter.  According to Brother Jagannathan 183 abhyasis have participated in the seminars, 542 abhyasis have participated in one week short course, and a total of 400 abhyasis have visited CREST to date.  He thanked the abhyasis of Bangalore and the local functionaries for their unstinted cooperation and hoped such cooperation would continue in the days to come. Brother Ajay Bhatter spoke of the experience of “stillness” at CREST, which was characteristic of this place, something that can only be experienced by being here.

The rest of the days at CREST have been spent in total calm, peace and rest by our Beloved Master.  He made a few preceptors and took the opportunity to take walks around the Retreat premises.   On August 15th, Indian Independence day, Master walked up the flight of stairs to the first floor of the dormitory block, and at 7:20 AM, majestically unfurled the Indian tricolor atop the flagpole.  It was followed by the singing of the national anthem, after which Rev. Master gave a short speech.  He requested “…The abhyasis must take an oath to renounce lies, renounce corrupt business practices, renounce hatred, and adopt Babuji’s message, Love All whom He Loves”. 

Rev. Master leaves by road for Harur and Natrampalli tomorrow and is expected to return to Chennai by the end of this week. 

Photographs taken during this period these sessions are provided at the link below:



Report by S. Prakash, Ashram Maintenance Manager, Manapakkam, Chennai, India

This is to bring to your attention the launch of the 6th batch of “YOUTH PROGRAMME” from 1st October to 31st December 2007 at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, Chennai – 600 116, India. The sixth batch of YOUTH PROGRAMME is running successfully and we are happy to announce the commencement of the next batch to accommodate more willing Abhyasi Brothers & Sisters from across India including those who missed out in the earlier batches. This full time residential program will run from 1st October 2007 to 31st December 2007 (for a period of 3 months) and is aimed at training the YOUTH of Sahaj Marg in the various aspects of running an Ashram.

Salient features of this program:

  1. Intense training on all facets of Maintaining an Ashram and on Sahaj Marg during their stay.
  2. In-house stay at the ashram, at no cost to the abhyasi participants, during the program period. Food and Bachelor’s Dormitory Accommodation will be provided at Ashram.


The following are eligible to apply for this program:

  1. Abhyasis from India between the age group of 20 to 40.
  2. Must have been practicing Sahaj Marg System of Meditation for at least 2 years at the time of applying.
  3. Must have attended at least one or two Bhandaras / Celebrations.
  4. Abhyasi Brothers & Sisters in the mentioned age group are welcome to apply.
  5. Must attach a certificate of Conduct from the respective Zone-in-Charge or Centre-in-Charge or Preceptor-in-Charge.
  6. Must not expect any other support, financial or otherwise (other than Food & Accommodation which will be provided free at Ashram) during the program tenure. They must carry enough clothing for their stay and some cash to cover their personal expenses.
  7. Must be highly disciplined and motivated to participate for the full tenure of the program. We intend restricting the size of the Sixth batch to 25 (Twenty Five only) and we will go on a first cum first served basis, provided the candidates fulfill the above criteria. Participants who complete the program successfully will be eligible for absorption as Ashram Staff in Manapakkam and across Ashrams in India.

The medium of instruction will be English. Abhyasi brothers & sisters who are willing to apply for this program must route their applications (with complete resume in the annexed format) through their respective ZIC / CIC / Preceptor-in-Charge on or before 31st of August ‘2007. Short listed candidates will be intimated by email / post / phone on or before 10th September '2007 after proper screening. They must report at Manapakkam Ashram by 28th of September ‘2007 and the program will commence on 1st October ‘2007. Kindly make photocopies of the application format at the link below for the use by applicants. The completed application copies can be forwarded to the below address.

S. Prakash - Ashram Maintenance Manager
Babuji Memorial Ashram,
Shri Ram Chandra Mission Road,
Manapakkam, CHENNAI - 600 116.
Ph: + 91 44 4217 1111 / 98400 96454

Encl :   “Youth Program Application format”