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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2007.27 – Monday, July 16, 2007

Dear Sister / Brother: 

Rev. Master’s visit to Trichy
Report contributed by Br. Raga Ragavendran
July 11 – 16, 2007

On Wednesday July 11th, Master left Chennai by road with a small group of abhyasis for Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), which is a drive of approximately 250 Km. We reached Trichy in the evening, and Master spent five days in the “Janaki Farm house”. An atmosphere of celebration seems to have already been created! Janaki Farms, named after Master's mother, is nothing less than a picture-perfect setting. It is an active farm with about twenty cows, lots of coconut trees, and several peacocks in the area. The farm house is nearly 3 Km from the city, and the Mission has acquired a property of nearly 2.5 acres land adjacent to the farm house.

On Friday July 13th, Master conducted the evening satsangh and laid the foundation for the Trichy Meditation Hall.  During His stay in Trichy, He prepared seven preceptors and solemnized a wedding.

We enjoyed Master's discussions as he sat with us and admired the pleasant weather. Master shared anecdotes regarding Babuji Maharaj and his evening leisure discussions with abhyasis. When He describes his Master, He transforms into Babuji and it is a real treat for all, especially those who have not seen Babuji Maharaj. His love for his Master shines out so much when He imitates him, saying “Aha Aha“ [exclamation] or “Acha Acha” [Yes, Yes].  

When someone suggested taking rest, Master mentioned that there is no rest when there is work to be done. Always, rest comes after His work is completed.

One evening, two sister abhyasis sang very melodious tamil devotional songs about Lord Krishna and the Gopikas.  In this context, Master clarified how there is no distinction between truth and falsity in divine love.

In general, the visit to Trichy was a wonderful start to the much awaited celebrations of Rev. Master’s Birthday in Tiruppur.

Some photographs taken during this time may be seen at:


