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Welness Workshots at Kanha Shantivanam - September 2023

2023.15 - Friday, 8 September 2023

Dear sisters and brothers,

We are thrilled to present a diverse range of wellness workshops that will be offered at Kanha Shanti Vanam this September. Expert faculty from around the world will conduct immersive workshops designed to empower your path to holistic well-being. Learning how to take care of ourselves means promoting good health, and preventing illness. Registrations will close 3 days prior to each workshop.

For any inquiries, please write to wellnessacademy@heartfullness.org. The proceeds from these workshops are donated to the various non-profit initiatives undertaken by Heartfulness Institute. The faculty contribute their expertise toward the Heartfulness Institute by conducting these workshops.

Quantum Therapy

Unlock the hidden potential of your body’s energy systems with Quantum Therapy. Dive into the realm of quantum physics and explore the powerful connection between your thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being. Our training sessions will guide you towards balance and harmony, promoting natural healing from within. Learn to heal yourself and your friends and family in this simple, easy, and safe way.

For further details, visit https://hfn.li/quantumtherapy

Sound Healing

Experience the soothing power of sound as it resonates through every cell of your being. Our Sound Healing sessions utilize ancient and modern sound therapy techniques to restore energy flow, reduce stress, and enhance relaxation. Immerse yourself in a symphony of healing frequencies and find inner tranquillity.

For further details, visit https://hfn.li/soundhealing

The hallmark of this magnificent, sacred work was the silent manner in which the devoted hearts served the divine purpose. With a volunteer age profile from 8 years to 80 years, village folks at many places of the state came to the sessions only to marvel at the enthusiastic dedication they carried. To serve the Master was all that mattered to every heart.

Brain Development and Primitive Reflexes

Delve into the crucial role of the brain in child development and its intricate link to psychological, physical, and social dimensions. Explore the profound impact of brain development on related disorders. Uncover the synergy between scientific methodologies for gauging and guiding brain growth, leading to enhanced outcomes and holistic well-being.

For further details, visit https://hfn.li/braindevelopment


Discover the art of Eurythmy, a unique movement practice that harmonizes body and soul. This expressive form of movement fosters mindfulness, self-expression, and emotional well-being. Eurythmy's graceful gestures will guide you towards inner balance, promoting a sense of unity between your physical and inner self.

For further details, visit https://hfn.li/eurythmy

Shiatsu Family Massage

Deepen your connections and share the gift of healing touch with the Shiatsu Family Massage workshop. Learn the ancient Japanese art of Shiatsu and explore massage techniques that promote relaxation, alleviate tension, and enhance the well-being of your loved ones. Strengthen bonds while nurturing physical and emotional health.

For further details, visit https://hfn.li/shiatsu

Disclaimer: Under no circumstances should the content of the workshops replace the advice, diagnosis, or medical treatment of a health professional. Any use of the material provided in the course or documentation is at the sole discretion and under the sole responsibility of the student who assumes responsibility for it. The participant agrees not to record the training (audio and video), including using a cell phone. If you have any questions about a medical situation or treatment, please contact your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional. Do not ignore a professional medical opinion and do not delay a consultation with a physician based on any information during these trainings.