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Ekatm Abhiyan - Oneness Campaign

2023.14 - Wednesday, 6 September 202

Dear friends,

Ekatm Abhiyan, the Oneness Campaign, set out as an unparalleled, unprecedented initiative of transforming close to twelve million lives through Heartfulness practices in Madhya Pradesh, the heartland of India. This grand, noble vision of Daaji was the world's first-of-a-kind, largest yoga and meditation outreach initiativethat impacted students from schools and colleges, doctors and healthcare professionals at village and district levels, farmers and families, Government employees in various departments and partner institutions across the state.

Oneness of hearts in a spiritually transformed humanity was the dream of Beloved Babuji. This dream and Swami Vivekananda's clarion call for a hundred men and women of passion who could transform India into a spiritual nation aligned with Daaji's vision of the Ekatm Abhiyan. And thus was birthed the Oneness Campaign to bring the spirit of Vasudheva Kutumbakam and social harmony to Madhya Pradesh, through a society living a healthy and stress free lifestyle through yoga and meditation. A campaign that brought forth not just a hundred, but thousands of men and women with the passion to take brahmavidya to the masses.

In the words of our Beloved Daaji, "The essence of the Ekatm Abhiyan lies in the understanding that true oneness and goodwill starts from within. This inspires people to begin the search for spirituality in the depths of their hearts and embrace the oneness that lies in each of us."

The Ekatm Abhiyan began with the launch of Nashamukti Abhiyan on 02 October 2022 by Daaji and Shri Shivraj Chauhan, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. With the message of an addiction-free, yogic India with yoga and meditation as an integral part of every household, work began in schools, colleges, police establishments and villages across the state. The campaign was lent its full support by the Madhya Pradesh state government under Shri Shivraj Chauhan CM and the collaborative partnership with the state's committed team of the Jan Abhiyan Parishad. Large scale efforts were undertaken towards establishing a healthy and spiritual way of life.

To this end, significant MOUs were signed between Heartfulness and the Health Ministry, Ayush Ministry and a number of colleges and universities. A landmark MOU was signed with the Jan Abhiyan Parishad in December 2022 to take the spiritual practices of Heartfulness to the rural areas of Madhya Pradesh. As a next step, 3500 member coordinators of the Jan Abhiyan Parishad underwent training in multiple batches at Kanha Shanti Vanam, the global headquarters of Heartfulness.Training programs in methods of afforestation, organic farming, sustainable economic practices, enhancing cognitive development and value based education in children were also provided. And thus the active partnership between Heartfulness and Jan Abhiyan Parishad was poised for launch on 05th May 2023.

The MP Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Chauhan announced the state government's full support to the campaign. Fired with passion and enthusiasm at one call of the Master, thousands of Heartfulness volunteers and trainers from 62 countries across the globe arrived in different districts of Madhya Pradesh in a planned and organised manner, travelling to every village across the length and breadth of the state to serve.

Three day Heartfulness sessions were conducted across the state in all districts, blocks and villages with the support of coordinators from the Jan Abhiyan Parishad. The cornerstone of all this work happening on a war footing basis in the villages was "Connecting With The Heart". Many Heartfulness practitioners opened their homes to welcome the volunteers for their stay. The feeling of family and oneness in serving Him was palpable everywhere. And in its turn, the response from the village folks was overwhelming. At many places, village folks opened their hearts with humble simplicity and joy to offer food, rest and love to those who came to serve them. For many volunteers, such experiences of the affectionate hospitality extended to them by simple village folks were transformative. Every person who was a part of the Ekatm Abhiyan had the experience of grace showering upon the land every moment, a feeling akin to that of a bhandara and at times, much more than that. It was as if one was carried by blessings - right from the time of departure for MP, through the days spent working there, to the return back home. There seemed to be no conscious awareness of discomfort or unease in anyone, only an elevated energy that filled every cell of one's being. This experience has remained vibrating in everyone, long after their return.

The support from the Jan Abhiyan Parishad team in implementation of the work at district, block and village level and the work done by the Heartfulness volunteer teams in coordinating transportation, accommodation and other logistical requirements for the massive campaign was truly commendable. The heart-warming passion in abhyasis who could not go to MP to work actively came to the fore, as they made every possible effort to contribute from wherever they were, through remote meditation sessions, coordination support and prayers. The subtle presence of Daaji through his inspiration and guidance all along, kept the fire burning in each heart throughout the whole duration.

The hallmark of this magnificent, sacred work was the silent manner in which the devoted hearts served the divine purpose. With a volunteer age profile from 8 years to 80 years, village folks at many places of the state came to the sessions only to marvel at the enthusiastic dedication they carried. To serve the Master was all that mattered to every heart.

The wave of Heartfulness swept across the state covering 52 districts, 313 blocks and more than 40,136 villages, touching more than 12 million hearts - truly a marvel! News agencies across the state covered the tremendous work going on through local newspapers, local TV news channels, radio and social media networks. Heart touching feedback from the ones whose lives experienced the divine touch of the Master in their meditation sessions, bore testimony to Babuji Maharaj's words - when sincere seeking hearts pray to the Divine with faith, the Guru comes to their door. There was a common experience of immense inner silence and peace that they had never felt before. From the districts of Bhind and Morena in the north of MP to Burhanpur and Balaghat in the south, Heartfulness resonated everywhere.

This revolutionary first phase of the Ekatm Abhiyan culminated with Beloved Daaji's visit to Madhya Pradesh from 18 June to 01 July. The celebrations of the International Day of Yoga at Jabalpur on 21 June were the chief highlights of his visit. A host of important dignitaries attended the event hosted by the government of Madhya Pradesh and relayed live across the world. The Chief Guest for the event was Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Hon’ble Vice-President of India. The Guests of Honour included Shri Mangubhai Chhaganbhai Patel, Hon’ble Governor of Madhya Pradesh; Shri Shivraj Singh Chauhan – Hon’ble Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and Beloved Daaji apart from Shri Ravi Mali Math, Hon’ble Chief Justice, High Court; Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Hon’ble Union Minister of Ayush and Ports, Shipping & Waterways; Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, Hon’ble MoS for Ayush and Ports, Shipping and Waterways; Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon’ble MoS for Jal Shakti and Food Processing Industries; Shri Gopal Bhargav, Hon’ble Minister for Public Works Department and Cottage & Rural Industries, Govt. of MP; Shri Ram Kishore (Nano) Kawre, Hon’ble Minister for Ayush & Water Resources, Govt. of MP; Shri Inder Singh Parmar, Hon’ble MoS for School Education & General Administration, Govt. of MP; Shri V. D. Sharma, Hon’ble MP (Khajuraho Constituency; Shri Rakesh Singh, Hon’ble MP (Jabalpur Constituency); and Shri Vivek Tankha, Hon’ble MP (Jabalpur Constituency).

In their address, the Hon'ble Vice President and other dignitaries appreciated Daaji and Heartfulness for the hitherto unheard-of work done in the Ekatm Abhiyan. This recognition of the landmark contribution was but a small ode to the Divine Grace of the Hierarchy of Masters of Sahaj Marg, that which makes the impossible, possible. It was a proud moment that had our throats choked with gratitude and pride for being a part of Shri Ram Chandra Mission.

As Daaji travelled across Madhya Pradesh, people whose lives had been touched by the Ekatm Abhiyan were waiting in numbers to welcome him and meet their spiritual guide. Their overwhelming love, Daaji's patience in speaking to them and taking their questions, his smiling presence in interacting with everyone, his incessant and untiring pace of travel cross 23 centres in 14 days- one's heart bowed silently to the magnanimity of His Divine presence.

In his concluding talk at the last part of the tour, Ujjain, beloved Daaji said that it was a joy to see that the Jan Abhiyan Parishad had become one with Heartfulness; they seemed to have become synonymous with each other. It brought out yet another dimension to the meaning of the word EKATM - oneness. It appeared that the coining of the term 'Ekatm Abhiyan' back then had been prophetic in so many ways! He urged one and all to make every effort that the light that had been kindled across MP should stay burning bright as ever, only increasing in magnitude and intensity through sustained efforts, thereafter. He announced that the mega-initiative would be carried over to more states until the great nation of India shone forth in all its spiritual glory. He made a historic statement in his talk on how it is time that a new, spiritual India emerged - a time to forget its praises of the past.

The light does shine on, with satsangs continuing across many villages till date. Volunteers continue to carry on the work, building upon the foundation that had been laid then. The light continues to be carried to more hearts that await the healing touch of the Master. Let us all arise, awake and stop not until our Master's vision is fulfilled!

A detailed illustrated report of the Madhya Pradesh Ekatm Abhiyan in Hindi is available for download.

The Hierarchy of Masters awaits the fulfilment of their vision. It is time to put our hearts into the work, as we are presented with more opportunities with their Blessings. The Light of the Masters expands from the heartland of Madhya Pradesh to the states of the birthplaces of our Masters - Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. Beloved Daaji will launch the next phase of the Ekatm Abhiyan in these states on the auspicious day of Janamashtami, the 7th of September this year.

These opportunities to serve are given by the Masters to uplift us. Let us all come together to spread their Light and Message, now to more and more hearts across the north, west and south of our country. Join us live from Kanha Shanti Vanam on YouTube on the 7th of September at 9.00 am (IST) with Daaji, for the auspicious launch of the Ekatm Abhiyan's next phase.