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Announcement by Daaji made on Sunday Nov 21st, 2021

Bulletin 2021.23 - Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Dear sisters and brothers,

A few weeks ago, we announced the launch of our Forests by Heartfulness webpage. https://www.heartfulness.org/forests/

Through this website, you can consider gifting trees to your loved ones, be it for their birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or festive occasions. For every gift you make, we plant trees on your behalf, either locally in Kanha or across India in our 18 plantation sites where saplings are grown. A certificate will be issued for each donation on individual’s name. A sample certificate is attached.

Further, you can also involve your own employers and employees to plant trees with us through their CSR programs. When corporates join us, our movement becomes much stronger and it’s also an opportunity to introduce heartfulness practices to them. You can reach out to FBH team to receive support on how to engage with corporates for CSR collaborations by sending email at fbh@heartfulness.org.

Today I am happy to release this wonderful book by Heartfulness for our future generation : Tales from the Vedas and Upanishads. Book is available at Kanha Book Store, on www.hfnlife.com as well as US bookstore. Other centers worldwide can contact publication department to order for their respective countries.

Timeless wisdom gives solutions to problems of any age. We all know that Vedas and Upanishads were written very long ago, more than thousands of years ago, according to some estimates even before the times of Lord Krishna, yet he could distil their wisdom and give a solution to the problems of Arjuna which led him to win the war against very great odds.

The wisdom there may have answers to individual and social problems of today, both in the East and the West. It is in this context, we published Tales from Vedas and Upanishads and decided to share our insights with children, with parents, and preferably grandparents, who can effectively spice the stories with the love of their hearts before offering to the young ones at home.

You can order this book from the links mentioned here. You cannot find a better gift than this for children in your lives, which they will remembers for years to come.

For India: http://Hfn.link/TalesbyDaaji

For US: http://Hfn.link/TalesbyDaajiUS

Next to peace of mind, what is the most important benefit that you gain by meditating in silence, all alone? It is the realization that all is one!

It is no coincidence that we get this idea now, on Guru Nanak Saheb’s birth anniversary which was on Friday all over the world. One of the important lessons we can imbibe from his life is this idea of equality and unity of all humanity. He declared that God is one, and lives in every one of us. Those were the times, when there was intense communal competition between various religions, and sects. His vision of the world was an all-embracing, all-inclusive humanism.

Great teachers come in different ages to awaken the spirit of unity and harmony amongst us. The great Buddha trained us to develop compassion to those who suffer and to realize oneness of all humanity - rich or poor, brahmin or pariah. The apostle St. Paul wanted gentiles and Jews to unite in the love of God taught by Jesus. The mystic poet Kabir made Hindus and Muslims to realize the futility of rituals done without love of God; he awakened in them a spirit of equality before God. There are many more such practical, self-reliant and loving teachers, including the great rishis and sages of India, Lord Krishna, Zarathushtra, and the Prophet.

One of the our Masters of the Heartfulness tradition, Shri Ram Chandra Ji of Shahjahanpur, affectionately called Babuji Maharaj, also has worked hard for universal brotherhood. He said, “It is neither oneness nor separateness, but the unity of all existence. It transcends this idea of oneness and separateness, or to be together and to be separate." He goes beyond it and says, "When we are all one, where is the question of being separate or being together?”

On Guru Nanak Saheb’s birth anniversary, let us experience that humanity is one, in this subtle field of loving unity. As we embark on this journey, the most important and first step is this realization that we are one and in harmony with ourselves.

With love and respect,