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LIFEcast by Daaji on April 2nd - How to join and share

Bulletin No: 2020.13 - Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Connecting Heartfully in a time of SOCIAL DISTANCING

Dear sisters and brothers

Here is some more information on the upcoming LIFEcast and worldwide meditation with Daaji.


12 PM UTC | 5:30 PM IST | 8 AM EDT

How to join

To view, please tune in to one of these links: Facebook , YouTube.

All newcomers, as well as experienced meditators, are welcome to tune in and meditate with Daaji.

Existing Heartfulness Practitioners

As existing Heartfulness practitioners, we are not required to register for the LIFEcast.

We can, however, bring awareness of this wonderful practice of Heartfulness to our friends, family members and colleagues. If each of us invites at least 5 people to the LIFEcast, it will be a great service to them and humanity at large.

Connecting Heartfully in a time of Social Distancing

Sharing the video from official channels and FB Watch Parties

After the LIFEcast concludes, many Heartfulness practitioners and regional teams are planning on hosting Facebook Watch Parties. For those of you who wish to do so, on your FB timeline, when you select more options in the post window, you will be able to select 'Watch Party'. From the list of 'Watched' videos, you can select Daaji's LIFEcast video. Please share the video from the official FB page and YT account (links above).

Kindly refrain from downloading the video from the official channels and uploading it to your personal accounts, groups or official pages.

Epic Journey

Epic Journey

Thank you all for taking this up, and giving your best efforts to share the evolutionary practice of Heartfulness with everyone.

Wishing you all the best,
LIFEcast team