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Zone-Wise Sittings with the Master, September to December 2019

Bulletin No: 2019.47 - Tuesday, 17 September 2019

17 September 2019, Kanha Shanti Vanam

Dear sisters and brothers,


I have been inspired by the Great Master to implement the following program for all abhyasis worldwide. This is about the specific spiritual work. The spiritual work is always going on in a default mode in a natural way, a specialty of our Sahaj Marg way. Some specific work always happens as and when an abhyasi attracts the Master’s attention of his or her accord. This happens when the inner craving ends up creating an inner vacuum that pulls the Master’s attention.

With this exercise, more specific work will be carried out in a systematic manner, as per the attached schedule. In order to derive maximum benefit, I wish you all to undergo thorough evening cleaning the day before on your own.

I will be conducting these sessions from Kanha to all members of the respective zones during the periods specified. Please sit at 7:00 a.m. for 40 minutes on all of the days assigned to your zone. You can set an alarm clock for the purpose if you like.

If you are a preceptor, please sit with the rest of the family members and receive the sitting.

Looking forward to your active participation.

With love and respects,

zone schedule