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Bulletin: No: 2018.63 - Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Registration update for celebrations for the 146th birth anniversary of Lalaji Maharaj

Dear sisters and brothers,

We are happy to announce that registrations for the upcoming Basant Celebrations are full. There is a very long waiting list already. Accommodation is planned for 20,000 abhyasis. Those on the waiting list are requested to come to Kanha, only after receiving confirmation of accommodation from the Kanha team. Confirmations will be made against cancellations.

Register to join waiting list

The waiting list will be kept open until Thursday, 20 December 2018. You can join the waiting list by registering at http://celebrations.heartfulness.org

Update arrival & departure information

Those who have been registered are requested to update their travel details (arrival / departure information), which will help in organizing transportation accordingly. You can update your information at https://kanhareg.sahajmarg.org/reg/#/kanha/update_reg

Update volunteer preferences

Celebrations of this magnitude require a large number of volunteers. Those of you who are capable of volunteering are humbly requested to offer your service. Please update your volunteering preferences in your registrations using the same link above.


If your plans change and you intend to attend the Celebration at your local centre, please cancel your registration at the earliest at https://kanhareg.sahajmarg.org/reg/#/kanha/cancel_reg. This will give an opportunity to someone on the waiting list to attend the celebration at Kanha.

Comfort dorm bookings

The bookings for the comfort dorm are currently FULL. All those who do not have confirmed comfort dorm bookings shall be accommodated in the general tents.

Transportation information

A circular regarding transportation will soon be shared.

We look forward to serving you all.

With love,
The Celebrations Team @ Kanha