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Bulletin No: 2018.18 - Thursday, 19 April 2018

Dear sisters and brothers,

The winter at Kanha Shantivanam was a busy period in all areas of ashram life. Daaji received both international and Indian abhyasis for seminars, covering the much-awaited topic of the Ten Maxims during this period. A series of videos highlighting these talks will soon be released. He met with abhyasis for morning satsangh and talks, sometimes in the afternoons for satsangh, and again most evenings in the cottage area for satsangh and Q&A sessions. He poured his attention on the visitors who literally basked in the wonder of these interactions.

Meanwhile, the Green Kanha initiative gained ground, with visiting abhyasis planting trees and helping with volunteer work around the ashrams. The organic farm spread to cover many more areas of the ashram, and trees grew significantly during this time. Construction work continued in all areas of the grounds, and attention was given to refining the water purification and sewerage systems of the ashram. Daaji's interest and touch was in every area of ashram life, and most days he would do rounds to check on the progress of the work.

The President of India visited Kanha Shantivanam on Christmas Day and then subsequently released Daaji's book, The Heartfulness Way, in Delhi in January.

Many other activities went on, such as regular teacher training programs, Brighter Minds activities, preceptor candidate preparation seminars and a ground-breaking practical seminar for preceptors in Hindi with every session conducted by Daaji.

This Glimpses video covers this period from November 2017 to February 2018, showing some highlights of the period. We hope you will enjoy seeing the developments at Kanha. It's already become a very busy place!

You can access these glimpses vidoes on websites for Kanha as well as at Daaj.org: