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Bulletin No: 2016.35 – Sunday April 17, 2016


  1. News from Kamleshbhai
  2. A Common Vision and Strategy
  3. Heartfulness Research News
  4. Train-the-Trainer Video
  5. Content Management System
  6. Nurturing Newcomers
  7. Creating and Inclusive Environment
  8. Volunteering – Google Forms
  9. Heartfulness Speaker Webinar Series
  10. Heartfulness Magazine
  11. Heartfulness Conferences
  12. Technology (Mobile apps, Media, YouTube channel)
  13. E-Welcome ID Cards
  14. Updated Heartfulness Logo

Dearest sisters and brothers,

This is our second consolidated update on Heartfulness. The first one was sent out in October 2015. You may read it at http://www.sahajmarg.org/newsletter/sahajsandesh/2015.118.

So much is happening all over the world, and it is difficult to track everything and be up to date. Please take your time to read this, as it is long. It signifies all of your participation, contribution and commitment.

1. News from Kamleshbhai

We are happy to inform you all that our revered Kamleshbhai has declared that

2. A Common Vision and Strategy

In this era where meditation has become a mainstream activity, devoid of its religious connotations, how do we differentiate ourselves? It becomes critical to clearly communicate the significance of transmission and meditation on the heart as the unique aspects of our system. We want to introduce other aspects of our practice in a gradual manner with care and concern. We approach the seekers scientifically where necessary and, most importantly, experientially. This is very important especially in the urban and Western worlds.

Also note that, in this environment, the Masters are giving us unprecedented spiritual transmission, leading to absorption even during relaxation. Introductions have taken a new meaning and greater possibilities for reaching out to fellow humans have opened up. With 15-year-olds now allowed to meditate and villages opening up via V-Connect, we are able to touch all sections of humanity.

While Heartfulness is the approach, it leads all those who come, to Sahaj Marg. This is the central message to all. The functionaries, web designers, software builders, educators, facilitators, program managers, cooks, security and all alike are requested to align to this grander vision and work cohesively.

3. Heartfulness Research News

Levels of burn-out decrease among hospital staff

Dr. Jayaram Thimmapuram MD, MRCP, an Academic Hospitalist in Internal Medicine at York Hospital, Pennsylvania, USA just concluded a study as approved by his hospital’s Institutional Review Board. Burnout scores, emotional wellness scores, and salivary telomere length were measured in hospital staff participating in the Heartfulness meditation practice. The same parameters were measured in hospital staff that did not practise Heartfulness meditation. These measurements were done before and after the study period of 12 weeks’ duration. Statistically significant changes were seen in improvement of burnout scores and in most parameters of emotional wellness in the meditation group, as compared with those who did not meditate.

Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Within similar age groups, there was a significant increase in telomere length in those who practiced Heartfulness as compared to no significant change in telomere length in those who did not practice.

Study aims to define criteria for ‘meditative state’

Dr. Narayan C. Reddy, from Dayton, Ohio, conducted a study on a sample group of experienced Heartfulness meditators to establish clear criteria of a meditative state. With meditation becoming a widespread practice and many studies being conducted to evaluate its effects on practitioners, so far no specific criteria for defining this basic factor have been established. The study applied polysomnography (PSG) to measure subjects’ various states of consciousness while meditating, in comparison with simply sitting with eyes closed but not meditating. PSG is able to clearly define wakeful, dream and non-dream states; here the technology was used to identify consistent criteria for the meditative state. Results showed immediate changes in alpha rhythm, registering periods of Stages I, II, and III non-REM, and a few REM (dream sleep) stages. In addition, a decrease in heart and respiratory rates were measured, while oxygen saturation showed no significant change.

Work competencies in students measured

Dr. Yamini Karmarkar, our sister from Indore, MP, India has spearheaded a multi-college study on the Impact of a Meditation Based Self-Development Program on Emotional Wellbeing and Selected Competencies of College Students.

This study was conducted by the Heartfulness Institute in collaboration with Yi-Yuva (Young Indians), at different colleges. Participants of the program were led through a fourteen-week “Self- Development Program” based on meditation. Each session consisted of Heartfulness assisted meditation with the help of a trainer, and a small, interactive session based on a theme related to self-development.

Two major constructs were studied for a group of 170 participants – Emotional Wellbeing and Competencies for Work.

Emotional Wellbeing was measured with the help of 14 parameters (such as anger, empathy, etc.). Results showed significant change in all parameters.

  • The levels of tolerance, positive thinking, inner calmness and empathy increased more than 45%.
  • Stress and anger declined by 30%.
  • Further, the results showed that gender had a significant effect on six parameters – inner calmness, harmony, quality of sleep, inner joy, empathy and anxiety.

Competencies of the subjects were mapped according to techniques of several major companies. Twenty items were grouped into 5 factors that were measured by a set of actions, based on competency mapping techniques used by several companies. The five factors included three competencies: ability to take initiative and drive to work, ability to work with others (relationships), and ability to manage work stress; and two ‘incompetencies’: difficulty in work orientation and difficulty to control anger.

The results showed a significant change in all five factors. But most importantly, it showed a high decline in the incompetencies.

  • Difficulty in work orientation declined by more than 30%
  • Difficulty to control anger declined by more than 10%.
  • Ability to take initiative and drive to work, ability to work with others (relationships), and ability to manage work stress – all increased by 5 to 10%.

The detailed report of this study can be downloaded from this link: http://goo.gl/zEGc0X

Heartfulness and brain activity study to establish a baseline for future research

Anirudh Kumar, from the University of Toronto, Canada, is beginning a study to explore the effect of Heartfulness meditation on brain activity. We hope the results will be available in six months. The goal of this study is to generate qualitative baseline data for brain activity in relation to Heartfulness meditation. The data generated could be modeled as a predictor of broader study in the future. Once this study is complete, there are plans to use this baseline data to conduct the study in native populations and other similar research projects.

To find more information on these studies, please go to our Content Management System (CMS) link, under Heartfulness Research, at http://goo.gl/8mOn8Q (see below for more information on the CMS, or Heartfulness Content site). We are making efforts to publish these in appropriate medical and science journals in due course.

If any of you is qualified and interested in starting similar research in your medical or non-medical organizations, please contact research@heartfulness.org.

Also, if you are interested in participating in research and thought leadership in general, please click on the following link and fill out as much information as possible: http://goo.gl/forms/9Bm3sLtvcy

4. Train-the-Trainer Video

While some facilitators have learned about conducting Heartfulness sessions through practical experience alone, many have also gone through one of the several online and onsite training programs, mock-up sessions and workshops. This video can be played from YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh-mnMsyKlY&feature=youtu.be

The Train-the-Trainer video has five distinct sessions and can be watched in parts. Sessions include how trainers can prepare, how to approach an organization, and how to conduct a session, follow up, and report on the session. Each part of the video includes clips from Kamlesh Bhai explaining and guiding each step of the process. This video will be available in other languages, and in shorter durations, in a few months. In the meantime, please download the PowerPoint and script from http://goo.gl/CQckSl

In a nutshell, Kamlesh bhai said, “We should mainly focus NOT on knowledge but [on] this practice where there is no more exercise than closing one’s eyes and relaxing, while allowing the work – supported by pranahuti, (transmission) – to happen, unfold. Heartfulness is all about heartfelt experiences, and not about mental jargons and heavy bookish loads.”

5. Content Management System

The Heartfulness Content site has been updated to be more user friendly. The site, at http://heartfulness.org/cmspublic, contains a large library of curated materials and resources for all Heartfulness activities. It includes editable posters, rack cards, information sheets, brochures, logos, T-Shirt designs, and more, that can be downloaded and printed. The continually growing collection also includes PowerPoints, email templates, videos, Ted talks, and many more items for your own learning or for using in Heartfulness workshops. If you have any questions regarding this site, contact cmsadmin@heartfulness.org

6. Nurturing Newcomers

This will be a constant theme in almost all our updates. It is a critical piece of Heartfulness and Sahaj Marg. In this context, please read the excerpt from Kamleshbhai above.

We nurture the newcomers by enabling them to complete three sittings and attend weekly sessions, and by adding their email IDs to the introductions database. Now we are offering an SMS service to make this easier. Using the service, facilitators can register and report on events, and new seekers can use it to register directly into the database.

A training in the SMS service was conducted on April 9th, and the recorded information is available on the CMS link above. This training was for facilitators who conduct workshops in India, to help in easy onboarding of newcomers to our newsletter subscription and nurturing services. You can access the material at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzKW0xXioeU1SG9XUWk4dUpZWm8/view?usp=sharing

Once newcomers are introduced, let us keep them engaged via regular campus-based weekly group meditations, and introduce the Stages of Practice gradually. As trust is built, engagement can grow.

7. Creating an Inclusive Environment

Retrofitting Existing Centers and Starting New Heartfulness Centers:

As newcomers and visitors attend group meditation and gatherings, we will become increasingly sensitive to the ways in which we interact and present ourselves during all gatherings, including weekly group meditation. This may include rethinking venue setup and choices of readings and other shared materials. We may need to use inclusive language and minimizing foreign terms that are unnecessary while local translations are appropriate.

In India, please get in touch with Vinod Kumar Mishra at vinod.mishra@heartfulness.org for more information on how to ensure our centers become Heartfulness friendly for newcomers.

8. Volunteering – Google Forms

While ideas come from all of us, we each have something to offer that can also help turn them into reality. We are looking for volunteers with a wide range of skills or aptitudes. For this we have set up the following Talent Search databases. If you have NOT already given your name, you may volunteer for any of the following categories. Time commitment is flexible.

India – Non-technical (e.g. Teaching, Training, Social Media, Writers, etc.):

India – Technical (e.g. Graphic Design, Software, Information Technology):

Outside India – Non-technical:

Outside India – Technical:

Experienced Public Speakers Needed

The Heartfulness Institute (HI) is seeking professional and accomplished public speakers, professors and industry experts to participate in speaking engagements for C-Connect, U-Connect, the Omega Science and Spirituality Clubs, and others. If you are an experienced public speaker and would like to volunteer, please click here: http://goo.gl/forms/7wIDKqYIqB

9. Heartfulness Speaker Webinar Series

HI started this series in March 2016 and will continue it as a monthly feature. Please watch for announcements, social media blitz and website banners. Anyone can register and listen. You are welcome to invite your colleagues and friends and promote them in your circles and where you facilitate Heartfulness workshops. These are recorded and made available via the CMS site.

10. Heartfulness Magazine

Heartfulness Magazine is one of our proud productions and is well accepted worldwide. You can access current and back issues at

To subscribe, click on http://www.heartfulnessmagazine.com/subscribe/

11. Heartfulness Conferences

With the first convention in New Jersey in 2015 followed by one in Lyon, France, three more conventions are being planned in the USA. We are still experimenting and learning from these. More information on upcoming conferences to be held in three cities in North America can be obtained at

12. Technology

Sahaj Connect app – new release

An updated version of Sahaj Connect has been released and is available in both the App Store and at Google Play.



Sahaj Connect enables meditators to experience meditation with the help of a meditation trainer. The ‘Seeker’ completes a quick, one-time registration to get access to a trainer at any time. Once registered, the Seeker logs in and requests a meditation session. The app immediately connects them with an available trainer who will meditate with them. Trainers can register and provide meditation sessions to new seekers and existing practitioners as often as they wish. Questions and feedback are welcome at sahajconnect@srcm.org.

Heartfulness mobile app updated

The Heartfulness app has been updated and is available at both the App Store and Google Play. The updated version has simplified and revamped the user experience to be more intuitive and user friendly It features guided relaxation and meditation by a virtual instructor, and links to opportunities for real-time meditation and yogic transmission with a Heartfulness trainer. Download or refresh your app by clicking the appropriate link below.



Media: Official and unofficial social media outlets

We’re happy to say that the Heartfulness presence on social media pages has increased in recent months. However, spurious channels are also appearing. So when you follow or share these resources with seekers, make sure to use the official links only. Below is a list of official Heartfulness social media pages.

To register a Heartfulness page or account belonging to your region, and/or to report any unofficial or spurious pages, please write to connect@heartfulness.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/practiceheartfulness
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heartful_ness
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/practiceheartfulness/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Heartfulness
GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/+Heartfulness
Tumblr: https://practiceheartfulness.tumblr.com

YouTube Channel – Free Heartfulness videos to enjoy and share with others

Nearly a year ago we launched the Heartfulness YouTube Channel, and we continue to upload new videos weekly! Already you will find 150 free videos on many different topics.

You can subscribe to the YouTube channel and get the new videos straight in your mailbox. Join the more than 5000 who have already subscribed, and stay updated: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=heartfulness

Click here to have a look at the Heartfulness YouTube channel before subscribing: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoG2o8WtvYh8sCS40pUFtCg?feature=em-share_video_user

We appreciate if you interact with the videos. Under each video playing, there is the possibility to:

Share: If you think a video can be helpful or inspiring for family and friends, click the Share arrow and share on different Social Medias. Or click on Email and mail it to as many as you’d like. They can access the video or visit the channel straight from the mail.

Comment: Share your positive experience with Heartfulness and if the video inspired you. This will be helpful to others and to you.

Like: If the video content inspired you, you can click the “Thumbs up”/Like.

Please feel free to forward this mail to family and friends, that they can also benefit from the free videos from Heartfulness.

13. E-Welcome ID Cards

For Heartfulness events, eWelcome IDs are now available right after the completion of the final sitting. These IDs can be used for capturing attendance, Sahaj Connect, and checking and updating membership records.

To assign eWelcome IDs to participants, please send their data to welcomecards@heartfulness.org on the day of the final introductory sitting itself.

A central team will upload the data. As each record is added to the membership database, a welcome SMS and email will be sent to them at their mobile number and email address. The welcome message will have the name and eWelcome ID of the abhyasi.

Kindly note that in India, from now on, paper welcome cards should be used for individual introductions by preceptors and not for Heartfulness events.

Elsewhere in the world, for individual introductions, aspirants can register using the online registration. On approval of registration, an eWelcome ID will be issued.

You may find more information at http://goo.gl/3JszC8. Feel free to contact the team at welcomecards@heartfulness.org in case of any questions.

14. Updated Heartfulness Logo

As of January 2016, the official Heartfulness logo has been redesigned to include the words “Sahaj Marg Meditation.” All the updated logos including for many countries can be obtained from the CMSpublic link: http://goo.gl/e4Re52

Let us stay inspired, energetic and be wider conduits for His love, transmission and generosity.

If we can assist you in any way, please email support@heartfulness.org

Thanks, and affectionate regards,
Heartfulness Team