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Bulletin No: 2016.3 – Monday January 4, 2016

North American visit of Kamlesh D. Patel, part IV

December 2015, Monroe ashram, New Jersey, USA


Kamlesh bhai gave a brief talk on Wednesday 23rd of December after satsangh at the Monroe ashram. Later in the week, he shared further insights on the topic of consciousness:

KDP: I gave the example of different cylinders. Each cylinder is filled with a different liquid: one with castor oil, another with coconut oil and the rest with various other liquids. Each of them has a varying opacity so that when you pass a ray of light through them, each one will reflect a different intensity of light. Each one of us represents a cylinder. Now consider this. It is the medium that changes everything, for example, an air conditioner gives out cold air, whereas a furnace blows hot air. They are using the same electricity, but it is the medium that changes everything. Consciousness through which the soul emits its knowledge is different for everyone. Some people retain it and some can’t even understand what is happening.

The idea is to refine consciousness, right? Now let’s go back to this example of different cylinders. Even if you purify each of the liquids, each material is still different. So until this matter turns into its absolute you will still be different from God. So the material undergoes a transmutation of material into energy and energy into its Absolute. You may have cleaned yourself. That’s great! But it’s not complete. That is why you need the touch of the Master.

Abhyasi: That makes so much sense. The absolute need for a Guru of that calibre.

KDP: Yes. You will find him and he will descend upon hearing the call. A Guru appears based on your capacity.

A: So will the Guru come to my level?

KDP: With everyone, the Guru will act differently. It is not uniformly the same. You see, the other day we were talking about cause and effect related to transmission. Are we causing the transmission to flow or is transmission the effect? When an abhyasi is very loving and devoted, it no longer rains it pours… it pours cats and dogs. So there is a difference between rain and a downpour. That depends on the abhyasi and not on the Master.

But earlier today, we were reading a letter from Lalaji Saheb where he says that love and devotion for God is also His grace. So though in one way, it is the devotee who triggers the reaction, but that too cannot happen without His grace. Can we blame God for that? I don’t think so. I think the key is always with the receiver. Are you ready? Do you want it? Are you willing? Are you interested?

Entering the Central Region

Commenting on entering the Central Region:

KDP: At that level you need something called escape velocity. You need a greater push. In Sahaj Marg in the beginning you give a little transmission and gradually move up to higher levels. At the highest level, you must have enough momentum in yourself. Before the entry into the Central Region, one goes through 64 points. This preparation is purely the Master’s business, but again it is the devotion of the abhyasi that compels the Master. He cleans those 64 points and completes this journey within a very short time. This task has to be completed within 24 hours.”

A: Why 24 hours though?

KDP: Look at it this way. You have 64 very small pots. You put 10 millilitres of water in the first one. Next day you put 10 millilitres in the next one, and the first one is dried up by the time you move a few pots ahead. It is that subtle.

A: Is this the highest attainment? There is nothing beyond this. Correct?

KDP: Who knows? There must be something beyond. Babuji says that so far this has come to his vision and he wishes that there will be someone after him who will be able to take us beyond this.

Call of the Abhyasi and Surrender

A: Going back to your point earlier about the call of the abhyasi, in several Whispers Babuji refers to it. He says, “Everyone receives according to their call.” We need to enhance our call.

KDP: Yes. The best is that you prepare your subconscious by taking advantage of sleep hours. Sleep deeply and prayerfully; it will help us. People might laugh at this statement. When you sleep in a meditative state with a resolution that I will remain connected with my God, it works.

A: Is it possible that someone completely unrelated to Sahaj Marg is taken through to the Central Region?

KDP: It is not possible.

A: We are talking of a few thousand people in this system amongst a global population of billions.

KDP: We are fortunate. We are spiritually the richest tribe (laughter). Now in this tribe there are the nobles, and how did they become the nobles? You should study and understand how they made it.

A: Is the key anonymity, love and selflessness?

KDP: Yes, but before all this, surrender is the key. Surrender has to happen in the very first go. A person who has surrendered will never know he has surrendered. He will never be fully satisfied because he will want to do more and more. This firm conviction that, come what may, this is it for me, is surrender.

When the path becomes the destination consider yourself surrendered.

A: That’s such a beautiful line.

KDP: In a state of surrender, any worry is an insult to His greatness.

Kamlesh bhai conducted satsangh on Sunday morning at the ashram in Monroe. There was such serenity and stillness in the sitting and every heart was filled with love and gratitude. After the satsangh, he spoke for a couple of minutes, urging the assembled abhyasis to ponder over Babuji’s message, “Consciousness is yet but a toy in the hands of a child.” So even if we have a consciousness that can go into the depths of the subconscious mind and soar into superconsciousness, we are still playing with toys. Focus further on what is it that triggers this consciousness. Where is its potential? What lies behind it?

Until we meet, keep brooding over this. I hope to see you all at Basant or for the 30th of April.