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Bulletin: No: 2016.28 Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Tour of Andhra Pradesh by Kamlesh D. Patel

29th of January to the 2nd of February 2016

After returning back from his tour of Gujarat on the 20th of January, Kamlesh bhai lost no time in starting on the road again, this time in Andhra Pradesh. His first stop was the coastal town of Nellore, followed by Tirupathi and then on to Chittoor, where we join him on the 29th of January to experience the way he is bringing these centres into focus, and bringing abhyasis from the various groups of Babuji Maharaj's time back together.

These are some of the very early centres of the Mission in south India. The first ashram of Shri Ram Chandra Mission was that of Tirupathi Centre, inaugurated by Babuji in 1965, and the centre for the Sahaj Marg Research Institute under the directorship of Dr K.C. Varadachari.

Friday, 29th January 2016, Chittoor

The ashram in Chittoor was abuzz with anticipation and celebration, with Kamlesh bhai's arrival from Tirupathi, and it was filled to capacity with abhyasis from the surrounding regions. The hospitality in this part of the country oozes at every turn, and this was evident as smiling faces and able hands helped all the visitors, not only our Master.

Of course food in Andhra is a serious business, and there was no shortage of beautifully cooked meals as well as fresh fruits and juices offered to all the abhyasis. The volcanic soil is rich in this part of the world, so despite the dryness of the climate, crops grow well, and local delicacies like fresh figs, dried gourds, fresh greens, chutneys and pickles were shared.

A Profound Meditation

At 6 p.m. the satsangh was so profound that when Kamlesh bhai spoke after it he said the following:

"If I were asked to choose the top five meditations of my lifetime, this would perhaps be one of my top five, and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for such a moment."

The Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement

He then went on to share his ideas on the topic of the Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement:

"We have a real challenge in front of us: how to go forward with the expansion of Sahaj Marg? In one way we really want it to happen, and it is happening. In another way, when ten schools want a Heartfulness programme to experience our Sahaj Marg meditation, are we really prepared to deliver?

"This is not only happening in India. For example, on an island off the coast of Africa called Madagascar, there are a few hundred schools where they want to take up our Heartfulness programme for their students. Eighteen thousand students will be enrolling in the programme, but we don't even have a hundred preceptors to look after them. We have a big challenge.

"We are looking for those sincere abhyasis who can take this movement forward. We don't want abhyasis who only have the badges and ID cards; we need really dedicated and sincere abhyasis to serve this movement.

He went on to add, "I would like to see all of the abhyasis of the Mission made preceptors, but what is required for this work? ... There are three things that are important:

  • The number one thing is that you must have the willingness to serve.
  • Second, you must be dedicated.
  • Third, you should have enough knowledge of Sahaj Marg, and for this we are now conducting exams.

"When these three criteria are met we can move forward. So the idea of Centres Coordinators recommending their relatives or friends is wrong. The Masters like to see that our new candidates offering themselves to work as preceptors are influenced in the right way to fulfil these three criteria."

Kamlesh bhai also reminded us that the behaviour of preceptors matters. They need to be civil and human, otherwise "How will they represent our Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement and inspire others to join us?

"Becoming a preceptor does not mean that you have achieved something. … It is an extra responsibility. … The idea is to become humble and true servants of the Master. Take this opportunity as God-given and work harder and harder, effacing yourself all the time. When humility oozes out of us, people will feel so good when they meditate with us and spend time with us.

"If you would like to offer your services as a preceptor, do so when your heart is crying out to serve humanity. Do so when you are ready to take the Sahaj Marg message in a gentlemanly way without the ego in it, because when we serve we are serving with anonymity. This is the number one requirement. … We need sincere, humble, anonymous workers."

The local press came to visit in the evening, and the next morning there was a good editorial about Kamlesh bhai's visit and the Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement in the local newspaper. This was to be a signature of the trip, with the press flocking to discover more about Heartfulness and the Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement at every stop on the journey.

Saturday, 30th January 2016, Chittoor to Kadapa

The next morning, Kamlesh bhai conducted satsangh at the Chittoor ashram at 7:30 a.m., and after breakfast he left by car, heading north towards Kadapa (Cudappah). On the way, he stopped twice – once at the house of a local preceptor, whose infectious enthusiasm had led to the centre growing very quickly in a short time, and the second stop being at the house of one of the preceptors in Rayachoti, where Kamlesh bhai conducted satsangh.

During all the car journeys on this tour, he worked consistently, reviewing the Mission literature, finding ways to make the literature of our Masters more accessible to the world, and recording content for his talks and articles on consciousness and evolution. His extraordinarily keen observational skills while travelling, both of the external world and for the spiritual work, provided rich additional content for the work he was doing.

Kadapa ashram is a very striking and impressive building of our Mission, built from local dark stone. It sits deep in the agricultural part of Andhra Pradesh, surrounded by farmland. We arrived in time for a late lunch, followed by rest.

Everything is absorbed in Godly remembrance

At 6 p.m. Kamlesh bhai conducted satsangh, which again took us to some other dimension and state of love. Afterwards he spoke about consciousness, quoting Babuji that God has his circumference nowhere and his centre everywhere. He asked us to practise using the prayerful suggestion, "Everything is absorbed in Godly remembrance," as a way to expand our consciousness towards the Godly dimension. He further explained that such prayerful suggestions expand consciousness while ego contracts it.

Levels of consciousness

He mentioned that a stonemason or a jeweller works with rocks, a gardener with plants, a shepherd with sheep, a university professor with ideas, and a saint with Divine Consciousness. Their level of consciousness differs as a result of their focus, and according to the consciousness of the beings they are with. That of a stone is rigid and narrow, that of a plant is slightly more labile but still restricted etc., as per the descriptions in Lalaji Maharaj's Truth Eternal.

The real purpose of rituals

He mentioned that traditional rituals were often developed to be in tune with Nature. As a result, even if people today do not know why they practise them, by doing so they retain their natural connection, and follow the natural cycles.

That evening the local press came to the ashram to interview a couple of abhyasis travelling with Kamlesh bhai about Heartfulness, and they were invited to try the relaxation method.

Sunday, 31st January 2016, Kadapa to Nandyal

Kamlesh bhai left early from Kadapa to travel to the Rayalaseema Thermal Power Plant (RTPP) at Kalamalla nearby Kadapa, to conduct the Sunday 7:30 a.m. satsangh and inaugurate their new meditation hall.

There were many newcomers here, and so after the satsangh, he gave a talk on some basic aspects of Sahaj Marg, including the following excerpts:

Let's meet at the destination

"I really did not want to speak on this occasion because what is there to say? Our intention in meditation is all about experience."

"We have been following so many rituals, and there is nothing wrong with them; from birth to death, from morning to evening, we have all kinds of rituals. Through Sahaj Marg we go beyond these and experience Divinity directly within. When someone says, ‘God is present in everything and everywhere,' our exercise through Sahaj Marg meditation is to feel the presence rather than just having empty knowledge about God."

"What is the best place to start with experiencing the presence? Nothing is better than our own heart."

"I would especially like all newcomers to maintain a small diary. After every meditation, when you wake up in the morning, before you go to sleep, whenever possible, make a note in your journal of what you are feeling, because your thoughts, your moods, your emotions will all reflect the environment of the particular point or chakra you are on."

"In the spiritual journey, and after every meditation, when you feel the vibrations of different points, you will have different spiritual experiences. If you write them down, after ten years, fifteen years and twenty years of your spiritual journey you will be able to see the progress made on the path.

"Our inner environment goes on changing ... That is why it is important that we write. When so many abhyasis maintain their journals, after perhaps a hundred years somebody might study them and say that this abhyasi is on the first point, second point etc. They will be able to conclude in a solid way that, through yoga, these are the experiences at the first point, the second point and the tenth point. It becomes a science.

"Sahaj Marg also has a very special process in the evening; we call it the cleaning process. It is done when most of our daily activities are over. The best time is when we go home. After work, we go home, wash our feet and freshen up, and sit and exert ourselves to clean the daily impressions that we accumulate. It is a mandatory process – we have to do it.

"If you take up the Sahaj Marg practice, and say, ‘I am only going to do meditation and skip the cleaning process in the evening,' I don't think you will ever progress on this path. More than any other discipline, yoga demands strict discipline on our part, especially this half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. Success is for those who are sincere. Continuity of practice is a requirement in this organisation.

"So, you know the meditation, you know the cleaning and you also know the prayer. You are well equipped to travel on the journey, so I wish: ‘Let's meet at the Destination.'"

After this, Kamlesh bhai had breakfast at RTPP and carried on to Sirigepalli.

This region of Andhra Pradesh has seen a number of different groups practising Sahaj Marg since the mahasamadhi of Babuji Maharaj. During Kamlesh bhai's travels, it was both inspiring and heartening to see abhyasis from the so-called ‘other groups' meeting with him and joining the satsanghs. Nowhere was this more apparent than in Sirigepalli, where he inaugurated a small ashram built by local abhyasis and conducted satsangh at 10 a.m. His talk following the satsangh was very profound, hinting at the legacy that has been offered to humanity for our evolution, from now until the time of mahapralaya.

From Sirigepalli he travelled to Nandyal ashram, a beautiful tree-filled space, brimming with abhyasis and children waiting for his arrival. It was obvious that he felt at home in this centre, especially with the children who ate with him and shared many interesting discussions on various aspects of life and spirituality.

Kamlesh bhai conducted satsangh at 6 p.m. and the evening was once again an opportunity for the local press to visit and learn more about the Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement and practices. Everywhere he went there was so much interest and enthusiasm from the local communities.

Monday, 1st February 2016, Nandyal to Kurnool

Kamlesh bhai conducted satsangh at 7:30 a.m. and the depth of the sittings continued as transmission flowed freely. He spoke afterwards about idol worship, a common theme of the tour, and the need for worshippers to transcend from form to formlessness in their worship. He said that the idea of worshipping the form was fine, as long as through this form the worshipper could transcend to Divinity.

He also spoke of the formation of impressions: "As long as we perform actions, there will be reactions and impressions. Thoughts also lead to impressions, so should we stop thinking? In Sahaj Marg, constant remembrance and the Master's love help us to escape from the bondage of actions and thoughts."

Kamlesh bhai also challenged us to consider the way we are meditating: "In meditation, every experience we either like or dislike, and so we are either happy or unhappy. Ipso facto we create a bondage with the experiences we like! Meditation, if not done properly, like idol worship, will become a tool to bind us. Then how can we expect liberation?

"So when we meditate, let the observer witness the experience and then move on in life. We simply witness experiences and let them pass through us.

"Meditation is simply a process to bring about a meditative state."

After this, Kamlesh bhai travelled further north to Kurnool, in preparation for the following day, the 2nd of February, the birth anniversary of Lalaji Maharaj in the western calendar.

In the afternoon, a meeting was held with the local preceptors, sharing ideas on how preceptors can effectively work with the Heartfulness approach to Sahaj Marg.

Kamlesh bhai conducted satsangh at 6 p.m. in the ashram overflowing with abhyasis from the region. Once again, a festive air of joy was felt everywhere, and local abhyasis offered their warm hospitality to one and all.

Tuesday, 2nd February 2016, Kurnool to Kanha to Thumkunta, Hyderabad

Readjust our lifestyle

The morning started with a profound satsangh at 7:30 a.m. followed by a talk fitting the occasion. Here are some excerpts from Kamlesh bhai's talk:

"I am really very happy to be here at Kurnool ashram on the occasion of Pujya Lalaji Maharaj's birthday, as per the English calendar, the 2nd of February. We are very fortunate to be assembled on this occasion here. His blessings are incessant, his love is profound and his message is very profound as well.

"During the meditation, some words kept repeating about obedience to karmaphalas [fruits of actions]. Our life is guided in a kind of infinite way through this burden of karmaphalas, this obedience to our destiny. … In Sahaj Marg we can prevent this incessant never-ending cycle. How to achieve that?

"Our Elders have given us the ways and methods: morning meditation and evening cleaning. Please don't take this very lightly, as these methods are very profound when done with all sincerity and love. If you want to break this incessant cycle then you will also have to practise the methods incessantly. It is better to practise like never before, for ten years, fifteen years at the most, because Sahaj Marg doesn't advocate the practice for your whole life. We must practise in such a way that we can stop our practice after some time. How is this possible? When meditation, cleaning and prayer become a twenty-four hour business, so that then there is a constant meditative state.

"Not too long ago, we met a few young abhyasis who recently joined through a Heartfulness programme in a school. I asked them a question: ‘Why do we meditate' The children did not know, and I don't blame them, so a very enthusiastic abhyasi raised her hand and was restless to answer. ‘It is to regulate the mind,' she said.

"I didn't want to probe further, but the next question would have been: Why do we need to regulate the mind? Then: What shall we do with a regulated mind? What shall we do with the peace of mind, stillness and calmness that exist within us at this very moment? … the reason for calmness, peace and stillness is to bring these great human qualities into the open and make them more dynamic. Thus we will be able to bring about unity and peace in this world… So please think over what sort of a business we are in.

"Lalaji Maharaj gave so much importance to interpersonal relationships, how we interact with each other, akhlaaq. It should be from the highest level, not the lowest. We must respect the other person, as if we are interacting with our own Master or our own Elders. He would say that the greatness of the soul is displayed in the behaviour of the person. If there is no discrimination in a person, there is also no wisdom. … The things that I am doing in my daily life, are they the effect of my past samskaras, or am I causing them to happen and making more samskaras in the process? Are we discriminative enough to distinguish between the two – cause and effect?

"So, with stillness, calmness and peace in the heart, we can easily distinguish what is good for us, what is helping to us to evolve, what is the cause and what is the effect. And based on this, we can screen our future actions by properly adjusting our heart's tendencies.

"I wish you to reassure yourselves that, 'I am on this path of Sahaj Marg to evolve; this evolution is possible only through change; I must allow my Masters to make this change happen through cooperation.'

"So on this very auspicious day of Pujya Lalaji Maharaj's birthday, let us introspect and readjust our lifestyle, so that we can become more and more peaceful in the heart, contented in the heart, and carry on with our evolution at a personal level."

Following this, Kamlesh bhai left for Hyderabad, continuing his work during the car journey, expanding on his ideas about consciousness and evolution for an upcoming book. He arrived at the site of Kanha Shanti Vanam and once again conducted satsangh there on this auspicious occasion. He also reviewed the preparations for the upcoming bhandara from the 11th to the 13th of February, for the lunar calendar birth anniversary of Lalaji Saheb.

After lunch and a rest, Kamlesh bhai continued on to the Thumkunta regional ashram, and conducted the third satsangh of the day at 6 p.m. Thumkunta was also a hive of activity, as local volunteers were preparing for the seminar for Heartfulness volunteers from around the country that was preceding the bhandara.

All in all it was a very fruitful and joyous tour, culminating in the birth anniversary of our great Adi Guru, Lalaji Maharaj.