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Bulletin No: 2015.93 – Monday August 17, 2015

Bulletin for Abhyasis
Heartfulness On-site Training

An Invitation

As the wave of Heartfulness is building, we are witnessing the emergence of a silent Sahaj Marg spiritual movement.

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

(Brutus from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar)

Our beloved Kamlesh bhai has invited every abhyasi to participate in this movement, and there is an immense need for skilled volunteers to contribute their services. We need volunteers who can conduct Heartfulness programs in and around their centres. 'Train the Trainer' workshops are being arranged in the Retreat Centres at Pune, Kharagapur, and Mallamphuza, and at CREST Bangalore, from September, 2015. These 2 day residential workshops will prepare abhyasis to conduct Heartfulness Workshops, U-Connect and C-Connect sessions. We hope that at least 1000 trainers will be trained by the end of the year.

Requirements for the trainer role:

  • Good communication skills in English and/or Hindi,
  • Willing to give time and travel to nearby centres,
  • Basic computing - Powerpoint presentation,eE-mail, Word, playing video/audio clips and access to internet, and
  • Preference will be given to abhyasis who have been participating in workshops and training sessions.

Please note that all programs at the Kharagpur Retreat Centre will be in Hindi. Programs at CREST, and Mallamphuza and Pune retreat centres will be in English. Kindly choose your location accordingly.

Centers and Dates

Sl 2015 Date Capacity Malampuzha Pune Khargapur Crest Bangalore
1Sept 5&6100Heartfulness  U-Connect
2Oct 10&11200HeartfulnessC-ConnectHeartfulnessHeartfulness
3Oct 24&25150HeartfulnessHeartfulnessHeartfulness 
4Oct 31&150   C-Connect
5Nov 7&8150 HeartfulnessU-ConnectHeartfulness
6Nov 14&1550   Heartfulness
8Nov 21&22100 U-ConnectHeartfulness 
9Dec 4, 5 & 650   Heartfulness
10Dec 19&2050 Heartfulness  
11Dec 12&13150Heartfulness HeartfulnessHeartfulness
12Dec 25,26&27100 HeartfulnessHeartfulness 

Interested abhyasis are invited to register for this role through the link given below. Please select a location and date for attending the training while filling the form:


Important information

  1. Registration will be accepted via the online forms.
  2. Please complete the registration for these roles by the 29th of August.
  3. Centres-in-Charge and Zonals-in-Charge are requested to coordinate and support this registration process for timely submission.