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Bulletin No: 2015.90 – Wednesday August 12, 2015

Dear ones,

Copied below is one very significant message that was received on 10th December 2004 where in Pujya Shri Babuji inspires us to simplify the way we approach seekers, importance of experience, simplification of the system and about the ascending spiritual movement represented by Sahaj Marg.

With prayers to beloved Master for His love and blessings.

Friday, December 10, 2004 – 10:00 a.m.

Human beings are stunned in this troubled world where they cannot find their reference marks any more. Many scorn values, which, no matter what they think about them, represent a protection and a factor of equilibrium. It is precisely by setting limits that they can claim to find in themselves serenity and the capacity to control their emotions. Through the effects generated in them, a spiritual process provides them with relief and the awareness about a higher reality.

“Our aspirants have matured; it is time to give them new food for thought. The newcomers have another approach to spirituality; many are ready to follow the road to knowledge, by a simplification of aspects concerning our method. They feel it differently. At the dawn of the new era, a call is taking shape, in terms of focusing on the essentials, as far as those who are ready are concerned.

“They don’t any longer feel comfortable with long speeches. They are expecting something else: a more direct focus and the possibility of feeling something in their practice, while being enlightened by shock arguments capable of touching them. That thirst for feeling, and for experiencing the manifestations of grace intensely, places those who are called in the ascending movement preparing the future of humanity.

“Our brothers of the future will differ from those of today. It is necessary to think about it now and to take account of it. The subtleties of our teaching will be felt differently and in that respect, we cannot remain static. In the beginning some of our books were written in that spirit; they will correspond truly to the history of the future. Our abhyasis already aspire to be integrated in this expansion movement; many are ready, they will not be disappointed.”
