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Bulletin No: 2015.69 – Monday June 29, 2015

North American Tour, Part 5

Saturday, 13th June 2015, Austin, Texas

Balancing spiritual and material life

The day before the gathering was spent preparing the gym and cafeteria at the Bridgepoint Elementary School so that it would resemble a meditation hall. Preparations lasted late into the evening as tired but excited volunteers continued to add finishing touches. A large, beautiful Heartfulness banner adorned each room. After the work was done, abhyasis from all over the region gathered to eat pizza for dinner.

The full day gathering was attended by 281 abhyasis and 74 children. Satsangh was conducted by Kamlesh bhai at 7.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. During breakfast and lunch, many abhyasis commented that they felt Kamlesh bhai was their new Master.

After the 11.30 a.m. satsangh, Kamlesh bhai gave us an assignment, asking us to think about whether we felt our material and spiritual lives were balanced. If not, he asked us to think about who was failing – the Master, the method, the Mission or myself; the four M’s, as he put it.

A Heartfulness workshop was held at 4 p.m. attended by close to fifty interested seekers. The two abhyasis conducting the workshop appeared radiant with gratitude in front of such a large crowd of newcomers. A video was played explaining Heartfulness and then all in attendance experienced two types of meditation, one on their own and one led by a preceptor so that they could experience for themselves the difference between meditation without and then with yogic transmission. Each person was given a pen and notepad with their registration in order to note down observations regarding their meditation.

The 5.30 p.m. satsangh was delayed by forty-five minutes, during which time all abhyasis sat quietly contemplating in the main hall. After satsangh, Kamlesh bhai gave a talk about the importance of balancing material and spiritual life. He encouraged us to think of them as two wings of a bird, the abhyasi being unable to fly without one or the other. He then said that the heart is like the tail of the bird, giving us the direction.

Sunday, 14th of June 2015

Heavy rains broke just before the 7.30 a.m. satsangh, giving way to one of nature’s miracles, a double rainbow. Abhyasis stood on the steps of the school gazing with admiration at the two graceful arches.

Kamlesh bhai conducted the 7.30 a.m. satsangh and this was followed by a question and answer session during which a nine-year-old boy asked him, “What was the first thought you had after becoming Master?” Kamlesh bhai wryly said his first thought was of ‘disillusionment’ and ‘disbelief’. He said he felt he was too old for the job and thought it was best left to young people like the little boy asking the question. This brought forth much laughter from loving abhyasis who clearly did not care about the age of their Master.

After satsangh, twelve newly-made preceptors handed out prasad during breakfast. A surprise satsangh was scheduled for 11 a.m. by Kamlesh bhai at Spurs Ranch. Beautiful peacocks greeted abhyasis and delighted small children, who were determined to touch them. After satsangh, Kamlesh bhai held a short ceremony in which the new preceptors were presented with their certificates. He then walked around the ranch appreciating its natural beauty and talking with abhyasis. After he left, abhyasis had lunch at the ranch and then dispersed, carrying the numerous memories of this glorious weekend back home with them.