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Bulletin No: 2015.54 – Tuesday June 2, 2015

Heartfulness Institute

SRCM / SMSF WHQ, Chennai, India

Re: Global Volunteer Talent Search

Dear sisters and brothers,

Revered Kamlesh bhai has recently set up the Heartfulness Institute to consolidate the workings of Heartfulness, University Connect (U-Connect), Corporate Connect (C-Connect), Conscious Living (Essay Writing and Values Education) and other initiatives like the Welcome Desk. This Institute will also assist and embrace research projects, youth networks, science and spirituality clubs etc.

While the Masters have the vision of bringing Sahaj Marg to all, it becomes a clarion call for us to be involved with our best potential talent, skill, willingness and experience, to serve this noble cause. Needless to say, when we offer our service to the great Masters and their Mission, in the right spirit, the rewards are immeasurable.

We have never done such a comprehensive outreach for talent globally on the scale we are attempting here. This broadcast is being sent out to 60,000 abhyasis worldwide and Centre Coordinators are requested to help the abhyasis in their centres to upload their details using the relevant links given below. We will keep your information in a secure database and you will be contacted by appropriate Coordinators.

The Rest of the World – Non Technical

The Rest of the World – Technical

Please submit your data by the 15th of June 2015. We will acknowledge each email and reach out to you. If we have enough volunteers we will not burden you unnecessarily. Thank you.

Heartfulness Institute
Talent Search