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Bulletin No: 2015.19 – Tuesday March 10, 2015

Dear sisters and brothers,

Revered Kamlesh bhai traveled to Hyderabad for a short visit last weekend. Please find below a short visit report of his travel.

The First Journey in India

Friday, 6 March 2015

The day started with some insights on consciousness. Master was saying that expansion of consciousness makes one more flexible and less rigid. It is like a tree brimming with fruits. If the tree is flexible it will bear more and more fruits by bending; if the tree is rigid, then it breaks. One has to develop the attitude of flexibility and remove rigidity to grow spiritually. Flexibility is humility.

It looked like a regular morning at Manapakkam ashram – satsangs, sittings and a quiet atmosphere; a batch of preceptor candidates getting ready for spiritual work. Master’s office was busy as usual. Something seemed to be brewing in the air; a journey was about to begin. Nobody knew about this including Master himself!

All of a sudden, around noon, Master decided to visit Hyderabad. The Hyderabad team received a notice regarding this only around two to three hours before his journey. With the news of Master’s journey, the city also received a nice downpour – a welcome note from nature! Master reached the Thumkunta ashram in Hyderabad by evening. Abhyasis were seated in the meditation hall, waiting for his arrival. All were seated silently, absorbed within and internally focused. Master was visibly happy with this discipline in the environment.

Master conducted satsang and gave a short talk. He said, “For me it is an important visit, because it’s my first visit after our beloved Master’s mahasamadhi. The first centre within India shall always remain in my memory – of visiting this place.”

Later, while talking to a group, he reminded all of us that our beloved Masters want to see unity among us. We should do everything to maintain unity, harmony and peace.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

The day started very early at 3.30 a.m. Master was ready to go to the BHEL Ashram in the city. He reached the ashram by 7.00 a.m. and inaugurated the meditation hall. Around two thousand two hundred abhyasis attended the gathering. Master gave a talk there emphasising the need to practise meticulously. He drew our attention to the subject of the attitude required in seekers. He said, “Responsibility of success in Sahaj Marg, or in any field, lies with ourselves. Please be alert, be aware of your responsibilities towards yourself.”

Around 11.00 a.m. Master conducted the second satsang in BHEL, and thereafter decided to visit the site of the Kanha project. The trip to Kanha started with welcome rains, as if they were blessings from the Masters!

An interesting incident took place. A teenager asked Master, very frankly and lovingly, “What should I call you?” Master said, “Let us say one day you have a girlfriend named Nithya, and you marry her. You won’t call her ‘wifey’; you would call her Nithya for the whole of your life. You called me uncle and not Master. Why do you have to change? So call me what you need to call me.” Both looked at each other and smiled. The boy said happily, “So, I will call you Kamlesh Uncle!”

Sahaj Marg is all about love – love that flows from heart to heart. The above episode shows that addressing the Master also must come from the heart.

Master performed bhumi puja for the residential block in Kanha, planted trees and visited various locations in the site to inspect the ongoing work. Kanha is getting ready for hosting future celebrations. The atmosphere was filled with lightness and joy. All looked happy with little things happening around: seeding for the future.

Master mentioned that we should strive to make our current home (earth) spiritually so good that Masters from the other world should feel like coming here often. During an informal conversation, he said, “Seeking attention is a sickness.”

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Master reached Thumkunta ashram and conducted morning satsang. The meditation hall was full with thousands of abhyasis. Silent participation and a disciplined approach were the hallmark of this gathering.

Master addressed the gathering. He started with an observation from the satsang, “I am very thankful to our Master who has worked so hard upon all of us to arrive at such a state. But we should not rest with what we have so far. We must move on further and further. The journey is infinite. On the other hand, I am not trying to tell you all that we have reached the destination. No. Not yet. But the news is great that we are all progressing; we are all moving in the right direction.”

He further elaborated and touched upon ways and means to protect ourselves from the effects of the imperfect world. He said, “Don’t expect too much from anybody, not even from God.”

Later in the day, there was a very lively interaction with a group of eighty-five preceptors. It was largely focused on preceptors’ work. Master emphasised that the Hierarchy has given us the permission to do more work. All need to use it wisely. The new methods are in addition to the regular work all preceptors have been doing. The whole session was informal and focused on the practical aspects of when and how to use the new methods. There was a great deal of enthusiasm among preceptors about the new possibilities for growth.

The gathering in Thumkunta concluded with satsang at 4.00 p.m. and Master moved on to Kanha. It was decided that Master will take the next day a little easy – and work!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Master was up by 3.00 a.m. and started with meditation and sittings. It had rained throughout the night. The local team later said that this area had not seen this kind of rain in years.

Master spent the whole morning reviewing the work in Kanha and later conducted satsang. In the morning he posed a question, “Does the law of inertia apply to the process of spiritual evolution?” He wanted us to think.

Thus the Hyderabad visit came to an end. Master reached Chennai on the 9th evening. So much took place in this short journey: work – seen and unseen. Higher powers work through a living Master for the good of all. This work is beyond the human conception of a ‘good’ plan, of right and wrong etc. Our Masters have emphasised the importance of cooperation and obedience, which in turn make it easy for him to guide us. Accept, cooperate and obey.