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Bulletin No: 2015.136 – Saturday December 12, 2015

6th December 2015, Sunday – Monroe Meditation Center, New Jersey

Respected Elders, dear sisters and brothers,

We have completed six months since implementing Heartfulness [HFN] worldwide. Since then, the Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement [SMSM] has taken on new life in the hearts of many of our abhyasis. Remarkable enthusiasm and fervor have spread throughout many corners of the world, but more so in India. In some locations, HFN has enabled us to introduce thousands of newcomers in one go. It has allowed us to form partnerships with various organizations, which are now hosting regular satsanghs at their respective places. While we may not be observing a swell in regular satsangh attendance at our local centers, we also have many new venues for satsangh: in colleges, corporates houses, and in government and private offices. In some colleges, we have established a regular twice-a-week satsangh. Other colleges have sanctioned us to conduct daily satsanghs. In other institutions, there are many similar scenarios. All the participants of this Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement must be congratulated for listening to its clarion call, accepting its message in their hearts, and for carrying it into their communities so that it may be heard by multitudes.

How to take the Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement forward?

Whether seekers or non-seekers, each individual should be treated as one of us. The idea that only we are on a spiritual expressway and that others are not must not be entertained at all. We must abolish the idea that others are non-abhyasis. If someone else wants to think it so, let it be his or her prerogative, but we should not fuel this idea of separateness. Every newcomer and participant in our relaxation technique should be encouraged and enabled to make others in their circle experience the beauty of Sahaj Marg, initially by enabling them to provide a taste of relaxation to others.

Heartfulness is paving the way forward without any resistance and touching the hearts of seekers from many faiths. Many spiritual movements will join us and as per Pujya Shri Babuji’s vision, Sahaj Marg will be at its core. Looking from this perspective, can we afford to consider ourselves as a privileged lot or as superior beings? Our prayer, which speaks of “we,” “our,” and “us,” clearly provides the vision, to go beyond oneself and include others in this all-inclusive SMSM.

In the video, Love Him who Loves All, our Beloved Master quotes Babuji Maharaj: “Parthasarathi, it does not matter why people come to me. Maybe for peace of mind or maybe something very small. It is my duty to teach what they should be looking for from Sahaj Marg.”

That is Heartfulness! Welcoming all seekers for whatever reasons they may come, but slowly and with undemanding and kindhearted encouragements, we let them become aware of the true need for spirituality and what it stands for. We cannot alarm them, frightening them away by saying that Sahaj Marg is for the final merger and those with lesser goals may not come to us. Is that how we would feed an unwilling child? Would we say, “Eat what I am giving you, or else get up and leave!”? Sahaj Marg transmission is the sweetest nectar available today to mankind. We must not make it unpalatable or unacceptable through our conduct and behavior, but rather act as a bright and colorful flower, which magnetizes wild bees and provides sweet nectar.

Let us now dream together, visualizing a world that is inhabited by loving hearts imbued with Divinity, with abundant Grace pouring all around. There have been many messages like the one below, in which Babuji encourages us to visualize such a world and requests us to transcend the purely personal approach, to incorporate into our practice the idea of our Mission’s expansion.

Wednesday, May 12, 1999 – 10:00 a.m.

I approve your desire. One can achieve much with one's mind and through visualization; you know it. Never stop proceeding in this way. Do it with joy and unfailing enthusiasm. Seen from that point of view, your role is even more active. When this work is presented in the necessary form, it will become constructive.

"It's all possible in this area. It is necessary to go beyond one's practice, even if it is rigorous. By having in mind, strongly, this idea of the expansion of the Mission, by seeing it being established across the entire world for the good of humanity, you act.

"A current of thought cannot be stopped when it is right. Such an effective and so simple way is accessible to all. Let us jointly express wishes so that a growing number of human beings can benefit from them and reach higher planes.

"Thus will we progress towards the golden age."

- Babuji

The Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement requires tremendous forbearance and understanding of Sahaj Marg. Let us approach seekers with Heartfulness, whether through home gatherings, at schools or colleges, at public or private offices, or at temples or churches, and share the Sahaj Marg message of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission with one and all.

With prayers to the Great Master for His love and blessings,

- Kamlesh D. Patel