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Bulletin No: 2015.126 – Saturday November 21, 2015

Meditation for Humanity

Today until the 25th of December 2015

Dear brothers and sisters,

You may be aware of the current invitation from beloved Kamlesh bhai to all humanity, that all who wish can sit at any time of the day and receive transmission from the Source.

This is more than an outreach effort. It is a significant opportunity to utilise the expanding power of transmission for the transformation of humanity. This is yet another opportunity for us to be involved in the work of the great Masters, in a mature fashion, quietly in and around us, with the love and patience required to inspire others to join this evolutionary path.

The evolution of the whole in one sense can not be complete without the evolution of the parts"
- Chariji

"It is Babuji's dream that Sahaj Marg be known to one and all, throughout the whole world… The big wave is already there. Let us take its benefit and make everyone aware of Sahaj Marg meditation; that we exist for them."
- Kamlesh D. Patel

We can participate by:

  • Meditating at 6:30 a.m. or whenever possible, with the following two suggestions:
    1. All sincere seekers of spirituality are being attracted towards Sahaj Marg.
    2. All those who are meditating to receive transmission are connected to Master and are receiving transmission directly from the Source.
  • Sit for an extra session of meditation, cleaning or sitting each day as you feel and also simplify our lives to follow the Ten Maxims during these days. A special inner focus and spiritual attentiveness will make a difference.
  • Invite friends and relatives to come home for simple meditation gatherings, in addition to encouraging them to meditate on their own at 6:30 a.m. or any time convenient.