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Bulletin No: 2015.124 – Tuesday November 17, 2015


  1. Heartfulness Mobile App Release
  2. U-Connect update

Heartfulness Mobile App Release

Heartfulness team has released a mobile app for seekers on both Android and iPhone devices for Heartfulness.

Please download the Heartfulness app onto your mobile phone and share it with your friends, colleagues and relatives.



Coming soon on the Heartfulness app:

  • Multi language support,
  • Download support for the eMagazine and other media,
  • Connectivity with an instructor for those who seek, meditation with transmission, and
  • Push notifications with details of local events and newsletters.

U-Connect update

University-Connect programs have now been re-designed to fit the Heartfulness Initiative that is going ahead in full surge.

We are happy to note that there is a great enthusiasm to approach universities and colleges in so many places. We will have a webinar on the 28th November at 7 p.m. Indian Standard Time.

Please click below to register and participate:


In the webinar we will explore some of the following information in more detail.

In order to organise these U-Connect programs in a simpler format wherein very little speaker ability is required, we have now the great joy to introduce a simplified content that permits a lot of flexibility in delivery. It is attached herewith.

This new syllabus also includes a facilitator’s guide and some basic texts on initial topics to be covered with new seekers. We will be uploading more material on the content site in the weeks to come.

You are more than welcome to send us your suggestions and inspirational experiences on U-Connect to the email given below.

Please also refer to the www.heartfulness.org website for more material, e.g. articles and YouTube videos, to complement this U-Connect syllabus.

You may also use the Heartfulness Magazine for additional inspiration, as required, and present it to students and colleges libraries for possible subscriptions.

In addition to this basic syllabus that we offer to institutions, we can also offer a range of expert and qualified speakers for a once-in-a-while addition to ongoing U-Connect programs. The translation of this syllabus into other languages is underway, but you may undertake locally-needed translations while that gets done.

Please stay connected to the content.heartfulness.org site for more U-Connect related material that will complement this 15 week program.

For further clarification please write to uconnect@heartfulness.org