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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2014.34 – Wednesday July 16, 2014

Programs at CREST Bangalore

Dear sisters and brothers,

We are happy to announce the following programs at CREST Bangalore. Detailed information about the programs, how to apply, and a calendar for the remainder of 2014 can be accessed at: http://www.sahajmarg.org/smww/crest-bangalore-training

  1. Library Immersion Programs : Three days of in-depth personal study using the CREST library, to help people follow their areas of inspiration. These programs are available to all abhyasis.
  2. Chapters : A video of the recent chapter seminar on 'Exploring the Heart' can be seen at: http://www.sahajmarg.org/smww/crest-bangalore-chapters. The other themes will be explored through further chapter seminars. Those who have already applied for one of the chapters need not apply again. These are five-day seminars and are available to all abhyasis.
  3. Living by the Heart : Five-day seminars primarily intended for volunteers or functionaries in the Mission. The purpose is to refine ourselves and evoke a better understanding of humility, service, listening, ethical and value-based living etc, through facilitated learning at CREST.

Abhyasis are heartily invited to apply for the programs of their choice as early as possible. Instructions for how to apply are given at the webpage mentioned above.

Confirmations for each program will be sent to registered abhyasis along with information about logistics of when and how to reach CREST, and how to prepare themselves for the program.

We look forward to welcoming you to CREST.

Mohandas Hegde
Director, CREST Bangalore