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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2014.31 – Wednesday July 9, 2014

Children and Youth Centre:

Update for the July 24th celebrations

For the preparation of the activities for the Children and Youth Centre during the July 24th bhandara, we seek your help and cooperation for the activities listed below.

Focused sessions
Under the guidance of Kamlesh bhai, we are conducting sessions twice a day for the age group 15-17 years, from 8am-9am and 8pm-9pm on July 23rd, 24th and 25th. The topics are listed below. Kindly encourage the youth to participate.

  • Why Spirituality?
  • Essence of Gita (without the shlokas)
  • Science and Spirituality


Song for Master on July 24th
Brother Gurupreet has composed a new song for children to sing on July 24th for Master. Kindly encourage the children to practise singing it beforehand. Click on this link to go to the online folder containing the song (mp3), the lyrics and the meaning:

To reduce the time taken during registration at the bhandara, we request you to send us the list of children attending from your centre at the earliest to cyc.bhandara@gmail.com with the subject: ‘July 24 – Children Pre-registration’.

  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Name of parent or guardian accompanying the child to the bhandara
  • Parent’s or guardian’s cell phone
  • Centre


Children Centre Decoration

  • Origami lamp - Make one lamp or lantern for your centre, ashram or retreat centre. Please tie a string to the top and tie a small card to the bottom mentioning the name of the centre, ashram or retreat centre.
  • Origami stars - Make and bring with you as many origami stars as possible, of any size, and decorate as you feel best. Please attach a string to it to make it easier to hang them.


Children Centre Coordinators’ Meeting on July 23rd
We request all ZIC and CIC to inform their children centre coordinators to attend to discuss and share ideas for activities for the children and youth, and the future direction.

Children and youth of the age group 7-17 years are requested to bring their diaries when coming to the bhandara and each night record their experiences of the day.

In Master’s service
Children and Youth Centre Team