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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2013.29 Sunday, 7 July 2013


  1. All India Essay Writing Event
  2. News from Vrads Sande Ashram

1. All India Essay Writing Event

All India Essay Writing Event organized by the Mission in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) for India and Bhutan in India

As in previous years, this year also the Mission will be organising, in India, the All India Essay Writing Event in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) for India and Bhutan. Details of the event can be obtained from the newly revamped section on the event on the Mission's web-site www.sahajmarg.org/essay-event.

2. News from Vrads Sande Ashram

It is requested that abhyasis register for Master's birthday, the International Youth Seminar and the Family Seminar at Vrads Sande Ashram latest by July 7. As the Dormitories cannot be used at present, this is necessary to plan for renting of additional space and everyone is requested to kindly co-operate. Also due to organisational constraints, those registering after this date will have to take care of their own transport arrangements to get to the Ashram. The link to the Online Registration is: https://sites.google.com/site/vradssandeashramvisitrequest2/