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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2013.24 Sunday, 12 May 2013

A very important request

Dear brothers and sisters,

The 24th July celebration planned for Tirupur has been cancelled. The celebration is now to be decentralised and held at all centres of the Mission as a One-Day celebration.

Tamil Nadu state is reeling under an unprecedented power shortage. Madras city is facing a major drought condition due to the failure of the monsoons. The Manapakkam ashram is therefore unable to host a large number of abhyasis till at least the next monsoon (November-December 2013). Under these serious limitations it is requested that all abhyasis celebrate both Guru Poornima and the 24th July at their own centres and avoid visiting Chennai till the next monsoon realising the seriousness of the situation. This request is addressed to the Chennai abhyasis also.

Please understand the seriousness of the situation and extend your full cooperation. As for the spiritual benefit conferred on such occasions you may be assured that my Master's Benevolence will ensure that there is no loss to anyone anywhere.

Love and blessings to all.