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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2013.12 Saturday, 9 March 2013


  1. April 30th 2013 Celebrations: Guidelines for the Bhandara

1. April 30th 2013 Celebrations: Guidelines for the Bhandara

Revered Babuji Maharaji
Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 10:00 a.m.
"In our Mission, anniversaries serve to focus the thoughts of all onto their Master in a more intense way than usual, and to increase this energy of love, specific to its cosmic identity. May all our brothers be blessed and become increasingly vigilant to develop in themselves love, this ultimate vibration."

Preparing for the Bhandara

In Revered Master’s own words “It (Bhandara) is like bathing in the most cool waters of a Sarovar (Lake), which makes possible a spiritual renewal of the abhyasi bathing in it, indeed drowning in it, if that can be made possible.”

Let us take the time to ready ourselves to offer our Beloved Babuji Maharaj the most beautiful birthday gift: willing, open and loving heart that is eager to receive what He wants to give us in His immense Love. The celebrations are a Divine opportunity for us to receive the Manna (spiritual nourishment from above) and to immerse ourselves in this very special Sarovar.

Preparing ourselves spiritually

To get the full spiritual benefit of the celebrations, we must prepare ourselves months in advance and increase the intensity of our Sadhana to attend the Bhandara with fervour.

  • Let us do our individual practice in a disciplined manner.
  • Let us be regular in taking individual sittings and attending Sunday Satsanghs.
  • Let us reflect on the purpose of attending a Bhandara, remembering that Ashram is a place where our spiritual progress is supported by an environment that has been especially created to promote our spiritual growth, being a place for rejuvenation of the true Self.

Preparing ourselves physically

  • We abhyasis remind ourselves that washing of clothes is strictly forbidden. Let us ensure that we have enough clothing with us to cover the entire trip to the Bhandara.
  • We also remember to compulsorily wear the Mission ID card in the ashram premises.

During the Bhandara

Let us treat the celebration venue as Master’s home. Let us immerse ourselves in the spiritual atmosphere.

  • It is our duty to maintain the spiritual atmosphere present in these ashrams.
  • If you come with children, help them to appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the place and explain the purpose of the Bhandara. A natural sensitivity and awareness allows children to understand, and they will also benefit from the ashram atmosphere.
  • Maintain mutual love and brotherhood, which create lightness in the atmosphere, and strengthens the harmony among the abhyasis.
  • Maintain inner silence within your hearts as well as silence on the outside to the extent possible. In silence you will find the inner Master.
  • No personal meetings with Rev. Master will be entertained, and all abhyasis are requested to co-operate and give Master the time and space required for rest.
  • Gossiping, negative thinking, entering into arguments, should be avoided.
  • The individual daily Sadhana of Meditation, Cleaning and Bed-time Prayer must be done as usual during the celebrations also.
  • Individual sittings are not necessary during the celebrations. Instead, use the time for meditation.
  • Please maintain the tents and surroundings neat and clean. Similarly, please take care to keep the other areas of the celebration venue (meditation hall, canteen, dining area, dormitories, toilets, etc) as clean as possible.
  • Please conserve water. It is important that everyone uses water efficiently.
  • Kindly put all waste in the designated waste bins only.
  • Sleep early unless there are specific volunteer duties assigned to you. Kindly refrain from staying up late into the night.

After the Bhandara

It must be our earnest endeavour that we maintain the spiritual condition and the Grace bestowed on us during the celebration

  • Please maintain the condition that you have been bestowed with, even as you go back to your homes and continue to maintain the Grace that has filled you.
  • Leave your dormitory areas in a clean condition and throw away unnecessary things in designated waste bins.
  • There is always a need for volunteers for post-bhandara activities. Abhyasis who can stay back after celebrations are requested to kindly volunteer for the winding-up operations.
  • Revered Master advises not to combine tourism with attending the Bhandara. If it is unavoidable, in the interest of your spiritual welfare, it is advised that tourism may be completed before you arrive at the venue of the Bhandara. It is advised that abhyasi goes straight home after the conclusion of Bhandara and protect their spiritual blessings bestowed on them.

Let us all get together in large numbers on this auspicious occasion with hearts full of Love and Gratitude to celebrate in great fervour and drown ourselves in the Special atmosphere created in the Bhandara.
