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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2011.32 Sunday, 2 October 2011

1. Mission's official presence on Facebook

It has been brought to our notice that several abhyasis have opened pages / groups related to the Mission on various social networking sites like Facebook, etc. Please kindly note that the Mission is formally present on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sahajmarg. Therefore all abhyasis who have opened such pages / groups on Facebook as well as other social networking sites are requested to kindly remove the same immediately and desist from doing so in future.

Please also note that SRCM, Shri Ram Chandra Mission, and the Emblem are registered trademarks of the Mission. Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation and the Foundation’s flag are the registered trademarks of the Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation. Therefore, by law, the Mission and the Foundation are required to protect their respective trademarks against unauthorized infringements. Therefore, abhyasis are requested to kindly refrain from unauthorized use of these trademarks which are protected under international Trademark laws.

2. Photographs from Chennai taken during the month of September 2011

After arriving from New Delhi on the 30th of August, Rev. Master spent the entire month of September in Chennai. On the 16th of September he inaugurated the new library at the Manapakkam Ashram. Some photographs taken during the month can be seen at http://www.sahajmarg.org/media-gallery/photos.