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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2011.01 Wednesday, 05 January 2011


Youth is a period of immense promise, provided it is backed by commensurate effort. Every year through the All-India Essay Writing Event, SRCM attempts to reach out to the youth, in the sure knowledge that the future rests on their slender shoulders. The United Nations observed the year 2010 [August 2010 to 2011] as International Year of Youth and, in commemoration of the same, the theme for the essay event was Youth: A Time of Promise and for Effort.

The event, organized in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan, was extremely well received, with several thousand students from more than 12,000 Educational Institutions across the length and breadth of the country participating in the event. We thank all participants as well as everyone else involved in this effort for their interest in this event and congratulate them in taking an active role in the development of the 'torchbearers of tomorrow’s world'. The results of the event may be viewed on the Mission's Web-Site at http://www.sahajmarg.org/resources/un-dpi/events/results-2010