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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2010.08 - Friday, 22 April 2010

Rev. Master's 84th Birthday Celebrations at Lucknow, India

Hotel Information

The Celebrations page on the Mission’s website has been updated with details about hotels at Lucknow including indicative tariffs, reservation procedures, etc.  Abhyasis who require this information can refer to the following URL: http://www.sahajmarg.org/july-24-celebrations/2010/accommodation

Scholarship Training Programme (STP) for India

Pune Retreat Centre, 1st April to 10th April 2010

April 15, 2010

The second batch of the STP has just come to an end. It was attended by 48 participants from Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. All were most grateful to Rev. Master for the opportunity generously given to enjoy the splendid facilities of the Pune Retreat Centre and living, during nine days, a true experience of brotherhood immersed in a wonderful spiritual atmosphere.

The aim of this training programme was to give a deeper and broader understanding of Sahaj Marg practice and principles and develop awareness about the importance of right attitudes in life, in our sadhana and in our interactions with our brothers and sisters. To encourage the participants to become more and more active in their centres, the programme included lectures on the organization of the Mission and our responsibility, and how to talk to new entrants. As well, practical activities on how to keep a centre active and the opportunity for each participant to give a short talk on a Sahaj Marg topic deepened the training.

Some photographs taken during this program can be seen at:

(Report submitted by Br. Alberto Lafranchi, Chennai)