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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2010.34 Friday, 31 December 2010

1. European Seminar in Manapakkam, 18th to 23rd of December 2010 – A report by brother Alain Desvigne

Despite the snowstorms shutting down most of the major European airports, more than 1,200 abhyasis were able to reach Master’s feet by the 18th of December. Master set the pace of this first seminar of its kind by inviting participants to find the courage to face themselves and reflect on what can be done to change the future for Humanity: “So this seminar must give you a real serious time, not to be frittered away in useless talk with others. You use it to sit by yourself, to introspect, really sincerely, really deeply, ready, willing to accept the answer that your heart gives.” The program was immediately adjusted in order to respond to Master’s call. Several silent reflection moments were proposed as a core activity of the seminar. In addition to these silent reflection moments and three satsanghs every day, Master chose a limited number of speakers to talk on topics selected by Him as well:

  • Brother B Chakrapani: Sea of life
  • Brother Krishna Rajagopalachari: Master and I
  • Brother Sanskrit Kannan: the guru and disciple
  • Brother Kamlesh Patel: the real practice

While He did not physically attend the sessions, He organized His planning to watch all the speeches from His room thanks to a video broadcasting system connected to His TV. Master expressed his joy all along the seminar during formal assemblies as well as during informal gatherings in His cottage. He addressed a very broad range of serious topics in His incomparable manner, daring to even challenge usual taboos related to grihastha life and sex. He announced during the seminar the creation of the first CREST in Europe within the existing premises of the Berlin ashram and proposed the first session to be organized for young adult abhyasis (18 and above) on the theme “What or who is a human ?” as early as during spring 2011. He also filled the European abhyasis with joy by announcing the creation of the first retreat center Europe within the existing property of Vrads Sande ashram in Denmark. In His conclusion talk, He invited the participants to create within themselves the “joie de vivre” (joy of life, as they say in French) and left them with this condition on their way home as well as with the feeling of Europe being now part of India. Photographs taken during the seminar are in the photo gallary located at: https://www.sahajmarg.org/media-gallery/photos/european-seminar-2010

2. New Publications

New publications released by Rev. Master recently are listed at http://www.sahajmarg.org/publications/bookstore/news-n-special-publications

3. Ripples of Love

New video clipping titled "Connecting to the Source" has been released on our website at http://www.sahajmarg.org/ripples-of-love