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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2009.21 – Wednesday, 14 October 2009

An Invitation to Pray - UNITED NATIONS STAND AGAINST POVERTY CAMPAIGN 2009 18th October 2009

With the blessings of our Beloved Master, all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world are invited to join in making a special effort on Sunday, 18th October 2009 to pray the 9:00 PM Universal Prayer for the wellness of all impoverished.  The “STAND UP and TAKE ACTION” campaign of the United Nations from  October 16th –October 18th, 2009 is a global call to action against poverty and for the achievement of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations. More information on the campaign may be obtained at www.standagainstpoverty.org.
Our Mission’s contribution to compliment the UN Charter and more comes in the  form of our beloved Babuji Maharaj’s suggestion expressed in His letter to the United Nations on the 8th of July 1957 (Letters of the Master Vol I Page no 130,131 & 132),  offering the Universal Prayer for the benefit of all of mankind.
The Universal Prayer compliments every effort made by the numerous NGOs associates, who each pursue a very real and formidable task to serve humanity in their own unique way.  Sahaj Marg was founded for and dedicated to the spiritual transformation of humankind.  As each aspirant works towards this end, one heart at a time, we also have the opportunity to pray for humankind through our daily 9:00 PM prayer.  We are extremely fortunate to have such an effective practice, one that is backed by a Master of extraordinary capacity.  Revered Babuji has indicated often in His Messages in Whispers from the Brighter World, that our efforts join with those of the ages to assist in the spiritual transformation of humankind. 
Please ask your loved ones, friends and neighbours to participate in this effort.