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Rev.Babuji Maharaj Birth Anniversary Celebrations - April 2011, Manapakkam, India


April 30th 2011, Report from Chennai:

Babuji Maharaj’s birthday was celebrated as a three-day event in Chennai from April 29 through May 1, 2011. It was announced that the satsanghs for all three days would be at 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM. The preparations for this celebration started one week prior to the event with temporary pandals being installed on both open areas on the sides of the meditation hall, and another pandal behind the utilities desk. It had been clearly announced in all centres that the celebration in Chennai would be strictly limited to the abhyasis of Chennai Centre, abhyasis from all other places being requested to participate in their local centres.

Interestingly, it happened that one elderly sister abhyasi had come to Chennai about a week before the celebration. When she heard this announcement, she approached Revered Master to get his permission to stay. She explained to him that because of her age she would not be able to attend the July 24th celebration and so she was seeking his permission to stay back and attend the April 30th celebration with him. Prior to this incident, there had been many such requests coming to Master and he had been very strict with abhyasis from outside Chennai Centre. But, probably because of the sincerity of this particular sister, Master allowed her to stay and attend the celebrations in Chennai.

About 4,000 abhyasis participated in the celebration and Master conducted the morning 7:30 AM satsangh on all three days of the celebration. Each lasted for about one hour and fifteen minutes, and the final satsangh on May 1st morning lasted for about one hour and twenty-five minutes. One abhyasi jokingly said, “It looks like Master is in good form!” On the auspicious day of April 30th, Master solemnized eight weddings, and very soulful bhajans were rendered by two sisters. Master also released several books and audio-video CDs. His grandson, Bhargav, announced the opening of the pre-booking of a limited edition of photos that will be delivered during the July 24th celebration. Master went to see the exhibition of these special photos on the morning of April 30th; the photos had been displayed in one of the most hidden and beautiful places of Manapakkam ashram: the Gazebo. A lovely drizzle accompanied Master on this ashram tour. On the evening of April 30th at 6:30 PM, there was a very beautiful drama presented by the abhyasis of Hyderabad centre on the topic of Sahaj Marg. It depicted the choices that a seeker has to make along the journey, the obstacles created by doubt, prejudice, fear, anger and laziness that can be overcome by higher qualities such as faith, love, patience, discipline and will. These qualities develop naturally as one practices Sahaj Marg and ultimately the sadhana brings the master himself to the seeker. It was very well orchestrated by the team, and when performed in the spiritually charged atmosphere of the meditation hall, it brought tears to many abhyasis’ eyes and touched everyone’s hearts.

Master watched the whole event keenly from his cottage via CCTV and later met with all the participants of the program in the cottage. He took photographs with the group and especially with the abhyasi who played Master’s part in the show. The makeup done for this abhyasi was so perfect that many were taken off-guard thinking that, indeed, Master had come in person to the stage. Later, Master suggested that a DVD of the professional recording of this play be made and released to all centres.

On the evening of May 1st, a drama was presented by the youth of Chennai Centre on the Life of Buddha. Master watched this event also from his cottage via CCTV, occasionally asking questions about a particular abhyasi who was on the stage, who he was and other such details.

The three-day event came to an end on the evening of May 1st, but the spiritual work done by Revered Master is sure to stay and grow in all our hearts.