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Vrads Sande Retreat Centre - Programme

".... There will be no daily meditation and things like that, since this is essentially for you to retreat into yourself—introspect, brood over your condition, as Babuji Maharaj has advised—do some writing if you wish, and go back into life spiritually fresh, mentally refreshed, and fit in body and mind."
Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, Malampuzha, 3 March 2008



Duration: From 3 to 30 days.

A retreat period is a time for introspection and immersion in one’s spiritual condition. There is no planned programme such as lectures, group activities or daily satsangh.

Retreatants may join in the Sunday morning satsangh if they choose to do so, or continue their private retreat during this time.

A resident prefect will be available for individual sittings, personal discussions and advice at any time.

Participants who go on retreat for only three days are advised to avoid reading books of any kind (including Mission literature), as well as watching videos or movies during this brief period. They will not participate in voluntary work, except for preparing their own meals and cleaning up at the end of their stay.
For those who stay longer than three days, we suggest some short periods of voluntary work at the retreat centre and ashram.


Everyone coming on retreat has discovered that in the Divine atmosphere of this special place, they were able to deepen their practice. Being in an environment of silence, away from the pull of their worldly lives, many have found an inner space where meditation and the connection with Master become a natural part of the flow of life. They have found a clarity in which they got a deeper understanding of themselves. Thus deep inner change became possible in the quietness and space that such a retreat offers.