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CREST Bangalore - Training Programs

Please note: All training programs at CREST, Bangalore, are suspended till March, 2017 due to proposed upgradation of the existing facilities. New schedule will be announced as soon as the renovation activity comes to an end.

Have any questions regarding training programs at CREST? Please email crest.applications@sahajmarg.org

Major programs held in CREST for Abhyasis include:

1. Library Read, Review & Research – 3-Days Residential Program

This program is designed to make the best use of the CREST library, which contains a rare collection of books, periodicals, research journals and videos covering a broad range of subjects related to spirituality, philosophy, science and various faiths.

The objectives of this program are to:

1. Develop the art of reading from the Heart

2. Learn to create a condition to absorb

3. Learn to identify and record key points for clarity of understanding

4. Contribute by way of articles and/or papers for publications

2. Faculty Development Program (FDP) – 5-Days Residential

This program is specially designed to train the trainers.

The objectives are to:

1. Understand the role of faculty in the light of Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement

2. Appreciate the need to learn and work on oneself for constant refinement

3. Develop a heart-based approach to connect and communicate with any audience

4. Develop exposure to different interactive methods of learning and teaching

3. Workshops – 5-Days Residential

Workshops are conducted on the following topics. These topics were selected keeping in view the areas that will benefit all participants.

1. Ashram Life

2. Economy & Equanimity

3. Time Management

4. Respect for Guru

5. Living our Values

6. Discover the ‘Self’

The objectives of these Workshops are:

1. To help character formation, which is the need of the hour

2. To help abhyasis lead a purposeful life on all fronts – Family, Professional, Material and Spiritual

3. To help abhyasis imbibe simple living and an honest approach to life

4. Heartfulness – Train The Trainers Program – 3-Days Residential

This program is offered as per requirement of the Heartfulness Institute