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Sahaj Sandesh No: 2010.13 – Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Contents of this Newsletter

1.Rev. Master’s visit to Siliguri, West Bengal
2.Information about Rev. Master’s birthday celebrations
3.Correspondence Guidelines

1. Report on Master's visit to Jabalpur & Nagpur

9 to 11 July, 2010
Report submitted by Br. Rishabh Kothari, Kolkata

Rev. Master started what is likely to be a long tour on the 9th morning , flying into Bagdogra from Chennai.  He was received at Bagdogra by not only abhyasis from Bengal and all the North Eastern States but also by a large contingent from Nepal.

The Mission has recently been formally registered in the Republic of Nepal and in his message to the Mission’s functionaries there, he had written ~ “This is indeed a great day for the people of Nepal, though they may not be aware of it in their consciousness. Now we have to gear ourselves up to bring real spiritual service to the people there, with honesty, love and dedication.” Consequently the first meeting of the Board of Directors of Nepal as well as the General Assembly of members was held at the Siliguri Ashram on Saturday, 10th of July.

On the 11th morning Rev. Master inaugurated the Meditation Hall at the Ashram. In his talk on this occasion, Rev. Master emphasized the need for outer and behavioral change in abhyasis and said that unless this comes about, everything else will be a waste.

He also gave a different definition of Yoga saying it meant “Skill in Action” and said that “We cannot just meditate and expect to be maharishis (saints) and divinized unless you pay sufficient attention to bhautik karyas (worldly or material aspects of life), what we are doing here, and master whatever we are doing.” He went on to ask everyone to “equip yourself first to do something before you do it….. Even driving a car, or riding a bicycle or cooking, Try to do it simply, effectively and well… That is where Yoga begins.”

In his talk he also said that “I’ve been watching over the last 40 years in Sahaj Marg, that as human beings we are not improving,  what you are inside the Master knows, the spiritual condition, but unless you are within as you are  without, inside and outside must be balanced, thought and action must be balanced, say what you mean and mean what you say.   These are fundamental tenets of Sahaj Marg. I am afraid our preceptors don’t emphasize these fundamental requirements of an abhyasi. “

Rev. Master declared that like some of the select Ashrams in the country, food and accommodation at the Siliguri Ashram too will be free and provided for by the Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation. He expressed the hope that all abhyasis from East and North Eastern States will utilize it as some kind of retreat and that there would be at-least 3-4 regional gatherings there.

Rev. Master left for Kolkata on the 11th afternoon where he will be hosting a large contingent of around 350 abhyasis from Russia and other CIS countries from the 15th till the 19th of July. He leaves for Lucknow from Kolkata on the 21st morning.
Photographs taken during this period can be seen at:


2. Information about Rev. Master’s birthday celebrations

All Abhyasis are requested to bring their SRCM ID cards to the celebrations at Lucknow.  Those who do not have SRCM cards are requested to carry a letter of identification from their Centre-in-charge / Country secretary.

3. Correspondence guidelines

All Abhyasis are requested to review and follow the guidelines for correspondence to Master, located at: